Swimming for cardio is great


New member
I have a pool at my place, so in the summer this is what I do. It's the only cardio my body ever gets. I love it, not only is it fun I'll bet you burn twice the calories since you use almost every muscle group.

Anybody else a big swimmer in the summer? I have also found it helps shape my muscles.
swimming is the shit. especially in the open sea bro. i think ive been at my lowest ever bodyfat level when i lived in hawaii. due to all the swimming. good to see a fellow swimmer, later.
I too have a pool at my house and yes in the summer time for cardio all I do is swim. I get home from work and down here in the south it is hot as hell and it gets dark at 9 PM so I swim and throw some chicken on the grill for dinner. In middle school and high school I was on the swim team so I love to swim.
It is great cardio, easy on the joints unlike running. Unfortunately I don't have access to a good pool for laps.
I agree, swimming is great. I think it is the best cardio workout. Nothing tires me out like swimming laps.
my pool is a 20X40 and square shaped so it's ok for laps and I get a good work out, it's not like an olympic size pool that we trained on the swim team but it gets my heart rate going, my muscles get pumped, especially doing freestyle, breaststroke and butterfly.
Kube- I use my pool, but also live with the great leaks so you can't tell your not in the ocean, it looks the same without the waves, as well it's warmer. I used to live on Virginia Beach, that was the shit.

Dish B- I grill everyday, I know what your talkin about, I just bought a hickory smoker and a rotissery this summer.

Mudge- My pool is 80 or higher always, no need to try to be warm.

On a smaller pool just do more laps, same thing..........not as fun though.
Mudge said:
Swimming raises subcutaneous fat levels though to keep the body cool.
Can you prove this? I've never heard it. Also, how about the comment on the higher temp pools? Have any good reads on the subject?
muroman said:
I suck so bad at swimming laps that i just cannot do this for cardio. I can swim, but not laps .

That's even better. The worse you are at swimming the more calories you will burn to keep yourself from drowning.

Seriously, I think that there are few forms of excercise where your experience level makes as much of a difference on energy consumption as with swimming.
I posted this same thing about 4 weeks ago and everyone posted that I was the only one doing this. I am very pleased to see I am not alone.
the more bf you have the better you can float.. i fucking sink to the bottom asap. i hate it. when im in the water i burn so many calories just trying to survive. i love to swim but as soon as i get in the water and i go swimming my gf gets in and then shes all horny and we are in the water and then we get out and get freaky. its fun finding a place to get freaky at the rec center at school.. lots of small closets.
question, as far as burning calories, anyone have any clue lets say if you are doing laps for an hour in the pool, and say in the gym training hard for an hour...one would think you would burn a ton more calories training...lets say on deadlift day.....one would assume you would burn more calories exerting all that energy then if you were to do laps...

Mudge said:
Swimming raises subcutaneous fat levels though to keep the body cool.

do you have proof or any articles of this. so if you workout in hot temperatures you are going to have elevated levels of subcutaneous fat levels?

and the colder the environment you workout in , the less fat you have?
I can't do an hour either. 30 min of laps is enough for me. There is no better none impact aerobic exercise in my book. Well, maybe rowing.