Switched from adex to aromasin and WOW.


New member
In the past I've always used adex as my ai for blasting and cruising. Got my doses dialed in with blood work and so on. Even so, I still never felt dialed in. I played around with my e2...letting it get slightly elevated which made me moody, then let it get slightly on the low side which made me apathetic and kind of mean to be honest. So I just kept it mid range for the last year or so. My e2 (non sensitive) was always in the 40's and my sensitive assay was always in the mid 20's. I had it down to a science. For some reason I always felt agitated and a bit anxious. My bp was constantly elevated, I kept getting horrible cystic acne, and felt somewhat depressed. This was ALL THE TIME. It wasn't debilitating, but I knew I could feel better.

So this current cycle (750mg test E / 750mg deca per week) I was running .5mg adex ED. Kept my e2 in its usual spot. Still just couldn't figure out what was making me feel off.

Fast forward to 3 weeks ago. Made the switch over to aromasin. Figured 20mg/day would equal my adex dose of .5mg/day. Bloods next week will confirm.

ANYWAYS, within a few days I was getting feelings of euphoria. I woke up with a positive attitude for once. It was like I was seeing life in a whole new light. My bp dropped 10 points on both diastolic and systolic, and now 3 weeks later my acne had reduced probably 75%.

Just goes to show that sometimes the drug itself can have an effect on the way you feel. It may not be e2 related in some cases. If you haven't given aromasin a try and you are struggling to get dialed in. Maybe give it a shot. I can't believe I went years feeling like that when I could have felt like this the whole time.
I too have switched from Adex to Stane and have noticed a big difference in the way I feel. I wont ever go back unless I absolutely have to :)
I've always been curious why there was a reason for the cost difference between Adex and Aromasim - I guess this is why!?

Coincidentally, you're the 2nd person who has mentioned this today. Food for thought :)
I have always wanted to run aromasin over adex because I ALWAYS at some point in my cycle end up doing .5mg ED of Adex because of sensativity. And that is never missing a dose of .25mg EOD. And I now have gyno as well after 4 cycles. but people keep telling me that aromasin is "too harsh". is this true?
Guys, with 500 mg test, i dont wanna use ai because of side effects.....lower cholosterol etc. Is there natural way to lower e2 ? I know zinc but 150 mg is too much. Not healthy
I have always wanted to run aromasin over adex because I ALWAYS at some point in my cycle end up doing .5mg ED of Adex because of sensativity. And that is never missing a dose of .25mg EOD. And I now have gyno as well after 4 cycles. but people keep telling me that aromasin is "too harsh". is this true?

If anything aromasin is the safest of all the AI's. It's much more forgiving and less likely to crash your e2 than adex. Also there's no rebound e2 when you stop. It's even been shown to have positive effects on lipids.
Guys, with 500 mg test, i dont wanna use ai because of side effects.....lower cholosterol etc. Is there natural way to lower e2 ? I know zinc but 150 mg is too much. Not healthy

Side effects? From what? You'll be much more likely to run into side effects if you let e2 get out of control.
Its not too harsh. In fact it is better than adex, studies show its not as harsh on your lipid profile.
I switched too. Probably a year ago. I dont know why PSL doesnt make it 25mg instead of 20mg but I take 20mg EOD on cycle and 10mg day after my TRT shot or 20mg per wk.
I have used both AI's and I personally didn't notice a difference. Maybe it would be worth experimenting with again someday as I still have a lot of Aromasin left over.
Keep us posted bro. I'm a creature of habit and have used adex for many years.

I understand aromasin is better for lipid profile as well. Mine is always whacked every time I have blood work.

I have used both AI's and I personally didn't notice a difference. Maybe it would be worth experimenting with again someday as I still have a lot of Aromasin left over.

With 500 mg test cycle, what can we do for low e2 ? Best option is AI? Is there natural way to lower?
i have always preferred aromasin to adex when i'm running high test. similar to you, i felt like i was constantly on an e2 rollercoaster with adex. sometimes its too low, sometimes its too high, and sometimes its just right for a day or two... and then we're back to square 1. aromasin all the way!
I like to use them interchangeably, though do enjoy adex because I can take it eod rather than ed
i have always preferred aromasin to adex when i'm running high test. similar to you, i felt like i was constantly on an e2 rollercoaster with adex. sometimes its too low, sometimes its too high, and sometimes its just right for a day or two... and then we're back to square 1. aromasin all the way!

That doesn't make sense. Adex has a longer half-life. If you took adex and asin at the same frequeny you would have to have more stable levels with adex. Sounds like you didn't does the adex frequently enough.