Switching compounds mid way through cycle


New member
Hi all, I’m getting ready to do a cycle this winter. I’m 29, 280lbs, 6’3”, fluffy 20% bf. been working out 10 years. Done about 10 cycles over the last 6 years. I’ve tried most products. My question is about switching from Deca for 8 weeks to Mast for the last 8 weeks. My goals with the Deca are to get some size off the bat but also I’m mainly trying to have a good base of water retention for my joints because I also work construction. The reason I wanted Mast E for the ending 8 weeks was because I’d like to lose some bf over this cycle and would like the benefits of having pumps and low estrogen finishing the cycle off. Hoping to look a little dryer at the end with the var/winny/mast trio. Any suggestions if this looks like a good stack and if switching things mid cycle is alright? I know some may think my test is a little high, but I’ve found I react a lot better to 1g+ a week. I’m not posting this for other people to follow, I’m just being honest in the dose I plan to take.

My Cycle

Week 1-4
Dbol 40mg ed
Test e 1,500mg ew
Deca 500mg ew

Week 5-8
Test e 1,500mg ew
Deca 500mg ew

Week 9-12
Var 40mg ed
Test e 1,500mg ew
Mast e 400mg ew

Week 13-16
Var 80mg ed
Winny 40mg ed
Test e 1,500mg ew
Mast e 400mg ew