Synovex crashing out of oil??


New member
this is the third time i made synovex, and this time around , i have to heat it every few days because the powder comes out of the solution. i have been putting it in boiling water a couple times a week. it is not a big problem, just wondering what causes this?
it can throw off the strength, but not by much if you only put in a small amount. how many mls is your bottle and what strength do you have?
it is 100mg/ml and i have 200 ml divided into 2 50ml bottles. i have been using this bottle for a few weeks, so i am not completely sure how much is left exactly. i will just make sure next time around to put more in...i used 6.5ml of BA for this 5cart conversion.
so you used 6.5%ba it sounds like. 100ml in 2 bottles? i wouldnt put any more BA in. is it painful? you could put some BB in. for 50ml every 1ml will change it 2%. put a little in, heat, and let it settle. if it crashes you can put a little more if you wish, or just heat every so often instead.

next time use 3%ba and 8-10% benzyl benzoate.