T3 Ruining my cardio and now even my workouts, need advice


New member
To begin I have run T3 before when cutting down many times I have had very good results and bad result while learning about my dosages.

Now the t3 I have been using the last year and this year is in liquid form from a very reputable board sponsor and using daily temperature logs as well as simply seeing results I am positive works great.

I noticed last year(spring) When using dosages of 75 to 100 mcg that my cardio was literally destroyed this never happened before. I had used cardio and diet and t3 and they worked fantastically.

But last year my typical 1 mile run would be anywhere from 8:40 to 9:15 for 1 mile and I would run 3 times a week post workout. If it wasn't post gym I would run 3 miles but 2 times a week max(knees and ankles would get angry at me).

But while on t3 last year I was lucky to get a 13 min mile in, no joke halfway I felt my heart pumping like it would explode, my heart rate monitor at 170-186( normally 155-160 for me). Pulse pounding and feeling gassed not from a typical run but as if i was doing 100 yards sprints over and over again.

So obliviously it was the t3(only substance i was on) this has never happened before even though this was probably the 5th time I had run it over the years. Solution cut cardio out during the t3 cycle.

Problem solved....no almost a week later the same thing happens to my gym workouts, I am not super setting, I am not doubling up. I am taking 1 min breaks between sets at least. But the same symptoms happened. Pulse pounding, heart pumping like crazy feeling like I was working over drive. and heart rate at 180 in the freaken gym on a normal workout.

Now once I got off the t3 the symptoms all stopped completely and mile times returned to normal etcl.

I have tried to fix it this year by keeping dosages low at 50 mcg a day max ( liquid t3) and after about 3 weeks symptoms started showing up not as severe but here now.

My cardio is dead gassed at the damn half mile mark, I have to wait at least 2 min before my next set when at the gym

Any advise for being able to continue using t3, I take my dosage in the late afternoon and i work out early afternoon to try and give it a full day before dosing.

Should I split up my dosage to 25mcg in the morning the rest at night, will it matter because of how long its in the system anyway??

Should I go to tablets where there were no issues 2 years back. any advice please

Thank you in advance
When you say t3 was the only substance you were on, does that mean you used it off cycle at the 50-100mcg doses you were talking about?
Yes, no test, no clen no other substances at all.

For me roughly 75mcg to 80mcg is the sweet spot and catabolism is at a minimum. Any thing higher and it is very noticeable and losses mount up.
Unless you have bloodwork to back up what your saying, or your an absolutely massive dude, I seriously doubt that your not catabolic at 75-80mcg.
A non-catabolic dose of t3 off cycle is determined by bloodwork but NEVER exceeds 50mcg in any scenario.

Both your cardiovascular conditioning and workouts will suffer if your losing muscle and in a catabolic state - this is exactly what I suspect is happening.
I don't think it has anything to do with the t3 being in liquid or tab form.

Honestly, I have no idea what gave you the idea to use t3 at such a high dose off cycle but I would cut it out completely.
There are a bunch of other fat loss aids out there that are not catabolic, pick one of those instead.
Not massive in the least just 240 lbs and 19% bodyfat 6'1. Absolutely in horrible shape right now as the stats show but working on it. Again just because my dosage might be high to you doesn't mean it has to be extremely catabolic to me yes their is muscle loss but for me at that dosage it is both minimal and acceptable amounts.

Many factors such as absorption, conversion and even diet will affect that number even product quality based on batch and how its stored and how long the compound stays efficient. Again that is my sweet spot that I have it found to work for me.

Now....you are absolutely right my workouts drop immediately, strength goes away endurance drops. But the issue now is my cardio and spiked heart rate, this is not just feeling tired and losing reps. Its like hitting the wall when your running or you just started running for the first time in your life.

Dosage right now has also been 50mcg max the entire 3 weeks.

I do appreciate your advice and taking the time to help me out. And I will defiantly take it into consideration

Photo is of me at the moment

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Would it help if he ran Test along with the T3? Wouldn't that help prevent the muscle loss?

Yes :)

Even a test dose just above trt levels would help negate most, if not all, of the potential catabolic effects as long as you didn't exceed 100mcg.

Now off cycle, I just don't understand the decision to use t3 when there are other more suitable choices - the ec stack for example.
The only time I have used t3 in this scenario was at 25mcg to offset dieting induced thyroid down regulation - confirmed through bloodwork.

Regardless of how someone may feel, 75-80mcg off cycle is certainly catabolic and supplement induced muscle loss of ANY kind shouldn't be acceptable when dieting.

I suppose this is a long winded way of saying that t3 off cycle without bloodwork is at best misinformed, at worst idiotic.
I can't tell you why at the present but 3 years ago I was running T3 and I was told to make sure I had a base of ASS , test to avoid muscle wasting. I do remember I had to quit the T3.

I know I haven't really helped here but just to confirm what is going on with you it happened to me. I still have some but will not use it again. More research for both of us. Good luck man.
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Unless you have bloodwork to back up what your saying, or your an absolutely massive dude, I seriously doubt that your not catabolic at 75-80mcg.
A non-catabolic dose of t3 off cycle is determined by bloodwork but NEVER exceeds 50mcg in any scenario.

Both your cardiovascular conditioning and workouts will suffer if your losing muscle and in a catabolic state - this is exactly what I suspect is happening.
I don't think it has anything to do with the t3 being in liquid or tab form.

Honestly, I have no idea what gave you the idea to use t3 at such a high dose off cycle but I would cut it out completely.
There are a bunch of other fat loss aids out there that are not catabolic, pick one of those instead.

lol.. im glad you said this..

i dont understand why people dose t3 so damn high..

at about 25mcg youre replacing normal t3 levels.. why would you go over 50mcg?? thats double your bodies production! especially off cycle!!!

even on cycle i dont recommend going over 50mcg..

you should never heavily rely on t3 and clen/eca to get to your goals.. it should supplement your goals, not be the focus of it
Would it help if he ran Test along with the T3? Wouldn't that help prevent the muscle loss?

yes it absolutely would.. and i dont recommend running t3 without being on cycle in the first place unless youre naturally hypo
Thanks, I like double checking things even it they appear obvious - this stuff is too important to be left to chance when there are so many knowledgeable people around who want to help.
Thanks again for all the tips it is appreciated.

But back to the question and reason for the post which is how to fix the cardio issue and the pounding pulse rate and pretty much the heavy breathing issue even in the gym.

Again dose has not been over 50mcg of t3 the last 3 weeks and will not be over that amount.

Will a low dose test help fix this or a reg dos test cycle. My bodyfat is at 19% consensus is 15% max for a test cycle what about that issue.
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If you are at 50 mcg right now and still having the same problem I would say stop taking it. Something is going on.... maybe your T3 is over dosed? Maybe your BF is too high . Maybe your body has changed and handles it poorly now. Maybe its a combination of these. Just stop taking it and feel better and diet and train your ass off.
I've read that weight loss is 90% diet, try to remove sugar from your diet in all it's natural and non natural forms.