T3 - The Fat Destroying Hormone!


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T3, or Lithothyronine Sodium, is a synthetic version of the thyroid hormone Triiodothyronine. While there are several functions within the body this hormone impacts its effects are primarily observed in the regulation of research subject***8217;s metabolism.

This effect makes it obvious why, based on the nature of our research, T3 would be of such interest to us. The increase in metabolism T3 causes results in acceleration in the loss of body fat in research subjects. That being said T3 causes some other effects that increase its effectiveness in the loss of body fat as well.

T3 causes an increase in Growth Hormone in research subjects. The effects of Growth Hormone on lipolysis are well documented.

It also lowers levels of the hormone insulin. Insulin is a hormone that encourages the storage of fat. It increases fatty acid introduction into fat cells themselves. Elevated levels of insulin lead to insulin resistance which is associated with obesity as well as metabolic syndrome.

In addition T3 up regulates B2 receptors in fat cells. This is of importance as adrenergic hormones such as Adrenaline and Nor Adrenaline activate B2 receptor which induces the release of an enzyme that causes fat to be moved from fat cells and used for fuel. More B2 receptors=More bodyfat lost in research subjects.

This leads into a very interesting combination for fat loss. There are two other research chemicals that actually work to activate the beta 2 receptors inducing pronounced fat loss. These chemicals are Clenbuterol and Albuterol. The combination of an increased number of B2 receptors from T3 administration to research subjects, combined with the increase B2 receptor simulation caused by the administration of Clen or Albut, offers a synergistic effect where the end result far exceeds the individual effects of the compounds. Also as T3 at higher doses can be considered catabolic, the anti-catabolic effects of B2 agonists such as Clen or Albut will work to offset this catabolism.

There is one other area that should be address or perhaps more aptly dispelled when it comes to the effects of T3 in our research and on our research subject. There seems to be an unfounded line of thinking by some that use of T3 could impair your thyroid function. The reality of the situation is that it has been well documented that this is not the case. In fact there is a study that shows that after years of administration of superphysiological doses of t3 research subjects recovered full thyroid function within months.

Whether used alone or in combination T3 offers us a powerful research tool in the area of fat loss for our research subjects. It has been a staple research chemical for fat loss for years with good reason!

Check it out >> Liquid T3 30mL 200mcg/mL

* Stimulation and suppression tests of thyroid function.
* SYNTHESIS OF THYROID HORMONES" in: Walter F., PhD. Boron (2003). Medical Physiology: A Cellular And Molecular Approaoch. Elsevier/Saunders. pp. 1300. ISBN 1-4160-2328-3.
* Thyroxine-triiodothyronine combination therapy versus thyroxine monotherapy for clinical hypothyroidism: meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials." Grozinsky-Glasberg S; Fraser A; Nahshoni E; Weizman A; Leibovici L. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Jul;91(7):2592-
* T3 for Fat Loss. Karl Hoffman. http://www.cuttingedgeuscle.com
* A Lombardi, et al, "Effect of 3,5-di-iodo-L-thyronine on the mitochondrial energy-transduction apparatus", Biochem J. 1998 February 15; 330(Pt 1): 521***8211;526
* GREER MA, SMITH GE. Method for increasing the accuracy of the radioiodine uptake as a test for thyroid function by the use of desiccated thyroid. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1954 Nov;14(11):1374***8211;1384
* FRIIS T. On the effect of 1-triiodothyronine on the thyroid gland and its clinical application (the triiodothyronine suppression test). Acta Med Scand. 1963 May;173:569***8211;587.

Liquid T3 30mL 200mcg/mL
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I am considering it if I don't find any Cytomel. I know I would never do 200mcg of the real t3. Wonder why its dosed like that.
has anyone here tried their t3 or clen?
Both and both work great. However, I'm no longer a clen fan...i've moved onto albuterol...less sides.

I am considering it if I don't find any Cytomel. I know I would never do 200mcg of the real t3. Wonder why its dosed like that.
Just because it's dosed like that doesn't mean you take the full ml. With liquid it's easy to measure out proper dosage.
not a "roid" but is a hormone, I would not rec it to young people under 19 (really I say 25, but atleast 19).
You have to do research and deem it safe or not.
many love it but you have to know what you are doing so to limit muscle loss and optimize fatloss.
Whats you guys thoughts on using it for lean bulking ?
Ive heard of peole using it for that but theres a lot of mixed opinions.
Go for it. I have used t3 a lot in the past during cutting and bulking cycles. I am actually looking to add some soon. I am not yet the believer of liquid t3. I have seen a few articles about its stability and im still a skeptic.
Whats you guys thoughts on using it for lean bulking ?
Ive heard of peole using it for that but theres a lot of mixed opinions.
I think it works well for lean bulking, keep cals and protein up and training on point.

I mostly use ti for recomp or cutting, not so much bulking, but many others seem to like it, it jump starts the system or something.
hey i picked some up, ive tried other T3's and they have a very alcohol taste to it. Your T3 has none what so ever. How did you guys manage this lol
hey i picked some up, ive tried other T3's and they have a very alcohol taste to it. Your T3 has none what so ever. How did you guys manage this lol

I assume they just used different solutions as a mix. It can vary. I would rather have it how theirs is though anyway IMO.
I've tried the clen. and I have just ordered the t3. The Clen. Is definitely legit. I started feeling it at 20 mcg. And slowly worked my way up to 100mcg.