T300, TrenA, Anavar (var) cycle, please advise


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T300, TrenA, Var cycle, please advise

Hey guys, I was giving some thought to a new cycle and wanted to see what yall thought. I've got 5 or 6 cycles under my belt, but have been away from the game for about 4 yrs. Im still in good shape. I'll be around 10-13%BF when I start this. Im 27, 170lb btw. Goal is lean mass, performance.

Week 1-12: T300 2x week (600mg total)
Week 5-12: Tren A 100mg EOD

I also have some Anavar (var). I have never used this compound, but I wanted to try it. I was thinking maybe using it Wks 1-4 40mg/day??? Please make suggestions.

PCT is the usual. 2 weeks after last test shot, clom 200/100/50/25

Do I need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), or ? and if so how long