T400 should I have any pain or not first cycle?

You probably got some good smooth gear. I've done 400 years ago that hurt like a son of a bitch.

But my last go with it ised P.S.L. 400 and no pip whatsoever.
Is it normal to not get any pain after injecting T400 even 24hrs later?

I don't think it's possible to have t400 that doesn't sting. It's THAT concentrated that you have to have enough BA to support it, which is going to sting. Blood test to check. If bloods check out, you're one lucky fucker
I don't think it's possible to have t400 that doesn't sting. It's THAT concentrated that you have to have enough BA to support it, which is going to sting. Blood test to check. If bloods check out, you're one lucky fucker

Order up some P.S.L. 400 smooth as it gets. No pip.
honestly packing in 400mg of compound in 1 cc usually causes PIP..

maybe its underdosed.. maybe it isn't
I use PSL test 400 so I can use less liquid in my TRT than the pharmacy grade stuff requires (and it is thinner oil). I got a very little sting the first time I used it, but no sting after that. I had my blood work done in May and had been running 500mg a week (two shots of 250mg a week) for a while. My results were:

Testosterone, Serum 1283 (normal range is 348-1197 ng/dL}

Dunno if that is good or bad. 150mg a week puts me at 445ng/dL.
I got x bottles of a mixed bag of 450-600 mg/ml stuff that I m leary of doing FOR THAT REaSON.

If I come on her whining about pip someone will tell me to use a tampon, plug it up and GET OVER IT.

Pin it get over it.
T400 no PIP= underdosed or just oil imo
4 grams of powder in a 10 ml vial is a LOT of fkin gear !!!
Try it with an empty vial you will see that 4g of powder fills the vial to about half.
That much concentration, from a product that normally is made (by big pharma) at around 200-250 mg/ml, has to cause irritation to the muscle, causing inflammation and swelling (pip)
Theres no way around it.

By the way BA is in relation to the total volume of the oil. 1.2 to 2% is needed to achieve a bacteriostatic state of the product. Has no relation to the product concentration. Its BB that is related to the concentration as it is used as a solvent. The more mg/ml the more solvent needed.
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I use PSL test 400 so I can use less liquid in my TRT than the pharmacy grade stuff requires (and it is thinner oil). I got a very little sting the first time I used it, but no sting after that. I had my blood work done in May and had been running 500mg a week (two shots of 250mg a week) for a while. My results were:

Testosterone, Serum 1283 (normal range is 348-1197 ng/dL}

Dunno if that is good or bad. 150mg a week puts me at 445ng/dL.

500 mg/w should put you at 2K if im not mistaken.
that says something about the gear that you're obviously missing or don't want to hear then mate.

,onk it doesnt surprise me. The only time you have anything to say is hate. First , unless you run protocol and get bloods done done say the gear is underdosed. You seem to always have an issue with psl. Whatever happened with you in the past is the past. I have multiple people on multiple forums running this compound. Yet because there is no pip means its bunk or underdosed... Wow, didnt know this is how you tell quality of your gear now. Not bloods????
Now if the loggers said it hurts, i cannot workout for days , you would say its been made incorrectly. Its bad gear. If its good, you have a problem, if its bad you have a problem. Sounds like you have a personal problem against psl.. hmm.. not one thread do you give credit, and when someone has something positive to say , you shoot em down.. why is that.. i personally offered you samples from my own , for you to test and give an honest review... but you didnt have anything to say. So everyone across multiple forums are wrong and because there is no pip that means the gear is no good.. wow.. what happen to professionalism, or not bashing a company for your own agenda. You have no proof, no bloods and your trying to derail someone elses thread. Everytime i see you in a psl thread it is to make trouble, and false misleading accusations. So when you get no pip or little pip from whomever you get your oils from i guess you approach them the same way.? And accuse them of underdosing there oils. I guess your not using a quality source, if thats the case.
Its impossible to say. Done gauge quality or potency by pain or lack thereof man. Cmon....


Its 100% gauged differently with individuals cases..Everyone has a different "m e t a b o l i c" ratio, and a different immune response..There's different metabolites and enzymes that react and initiate a response at the injection sites, receptors, or a cell group.. Some will be more pronounced then others depending on genes and biological makeup..

Example... EuroPharma Test/Deca blend absolutely crippled me..Yet I gave my remaining vials to a friend in an exchange for something he had.. He had absolute zero ISSUES or pip... So you see, it's like comparing apples and oranges..

I'll include a article I put together regards single ester use between individuals and how they may effect others..I didn't emphasize on BA/BB reaction, or heavy dosed compounds, but you get the general idea of the with different instances and immune responses...

To the "OP", don't listen to fear mongering from those that deem a compound to be fake based on "NO PIP"..I would strongly question these baseless claims..Anyone who suggests other wise, it would be wise to request that they verify these claims..Asserting that your product is FAKE is essentially speculative at best, and is based on conjecture rather than knowledge..Science trumps philosophy

Get blood work, this will be a better indicator and provide you with a real definitive answer..Because medical/bioscience will utterly destroy a suppositional toting mind (in regards to claims that your product is sub-par)..


Recently I've noticed the topic about the usage of 1 particular ester yielding different results in users..Or, others claiming one ester to be Superior to the next..This is all individual based on ones static system of checks/loops, no two individuals are the same..This is why people argue that cypionate is much more potent than enanthate, as this is a fragile argument at best and makes little sense, as your muscles/receptors are only recognizing free bio hormone no matter what the ester that was utilized to deploy the parenting hormone!

These are great questions & a worthwhile topic, as there's some real truth behind this;

Let's begin with the expression of a single hormones yielding an opposite effect - rather than a positive "smooth" response to the hormone as some individuals claim/experience..An appropriate example to begin with would be that of an alcoholic...

Why? Because of Genetics, I'll explain! (There's a method to my madness,just read)

Everyone posses different gene expression,with enzymes,protein bonds,and so on..(Enzymes are known to catalyze more then 5k biochemical types)..Yet our bodies posses inhibitors and activator molecules that can greatly effect the activity, by increasing or decreasing hormonal actives..Now, that of an acholohic,it's a genetic predisposition (same applies for particular endocrines with sensitive users concerning AAS) in which one posses a group of particular enzymes that metabolize alcohol much differently compared to other individuals, thus the effects will be much greater, and more detrimental in some individuals over the next..(Different metabolization)

Now, let's compare this to the hormones!

(Example) Testosterone can have 3 roles - 1) Being testosterone as it's primary function..2) Converting into DHT (dihydrotestosterone: a more potent metabolite/androgen)..3)Converting into estrogen

Here you see this effect differs greatly by individual instances, as genetics or even ethnicity (in some cases), or even sex may be a factor, whether one has a greater presence of aromatase enzymes, or even a deficiency.. Hormones/esters have various biosynthetic pathways occurring in the endorcrine,some either or before reaching their target tissue(to control plasma levels or active compounds),or at times after termination of their actions (inactivation and elimination)..However many of hormones and esters are metabolized within their target tissue, in which a complex interplay between activation and inactivation mechanisms serve to regulate the specificity and the amplitude of the hormonal response..

This is why "singular ester" hormone treatment is NOT designed as a one size fits all therapy...

Just an FYI: There's two main types of enzymes that act in the cleaving process of the ester in which activate the hormone...These 2 particular "Enzymes" are esterases & hydrolysate.. These come along and cleave pieces of the ester off the hormone, thereby releasing the active chemical (parenting steriod hormone) and allowing it to do its job (ultimately muscle building/tissue via protein synthesis, positive nitrogen balance and so on )...Now in the bloodsteam which testosterone and blood born nutrients and substances circulate is recognized as the "medium". These enzymes circulate in the medium and directly affect the release of "active" hormone in the bloodstream by ester cleavage, thus exerting different expression per individuals, trigger a chute of cellular interaction at receptor sites that will differ from one to the next..

People need to remember that hormones are "chemical messengers" that rely messages to cells that display specific receptors for each hormone and respond to the signaling..Depending on the ester and the individuals metabolization ratio the hormone can/may make changes directly to a cell, by changing the genes that are activated, or by making changes indirectly to a cell by stimulating other signaling pathways inside a specific cell group that is effected and effect other processes, thus this can "initiate" an intracellular cascade of events..

This is why the "same/singular hormone ester" effects people differently, because there's numerous ways a hormone can yield different effects..So, depending on which transcription factors are present different genes will be transcribed in response...Thereby the reason some individuals tend to bloat and others do NOT, as some can run 250mgs of Test and begin to see signs of fluid retention or edema exert in the circular system, or particular regions of the body..Yet, there's individuals that can utilize 1000mgs of Test and remain dry..Of course diet permitting.. (but this article's about biosynthesis, and not diet)

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,onk it doesnt surprise me. The only time you have anything to say is hate. First , unless you run protocol and get bloods done done say the gear is underdosed. You seem to always have an issue with psl. Whatever happened with you in the past is the past. I have multiple people on multiple forums running this compound. Yet because there is no pip means its bunk or underdosed... Wow, didnt know this is how you tell quality of your gear now. Not bloods????
Now if the loggers said it hurts, i cannot workout for days , you would say its been made incorrectly. Its bad gear. If its good, you have a problem, if its bad you have a problem. Sounds like you have a personal problem against psl.. hmm.. not one thread do you give credit, and when someone has something positive to say , you shoot em down.. why is that.. i personally offered you samples from my own , for you to test and give an honest review... but you didnt have anything to say. So everyone across multiple forums are wrong and because there is no pip that means the gear is no good.. wow.. what happen to professionalism, or not bashing a company for your own agenda. You have no proof, no bloods and your trying to derail someone elses thread. Everytime i see you in a psl thread it is to make trouble, and false misleading accusations. So when you get no pip or little pip from whomever you get your oils from i guess you approach them the same way.? And accuse them of underdosing there oils. I guess your not using a quality source, if thats the case.

ok. I will remain skeptical but admit I may be wrong on this one. Maybe my t400 just causes me issues, or I suck at processing higher BA content.

As for you wanting to send me gear - surely you admit that's sus right? why would anyone disclose contact details to the random person contacting them over an AAS-based forum? I appreciated the offer but I was never going to take it and you worried me by asking so freely.

As for credit: I've never seen anyone post about PSL deca - the one product I can say good things about. But sadly it's all about their tren, var, adex/arom, test, dbol, drol where both myself and a few others I'm close to, have received fakes. Show me a PSL deca thread and you may see a different "agenda".

Otherwise, this forum has the same 5-6 ppl saying good things about PSL. Most are reps + 1-2 others whom are ology regulars. There's 1-2 ppl that don't like PSL and when we speak up we either get silenced or the PSL reps get upset they get any negative feedback. Talk about glass jaws. Need to be able to take a few hits guys.
Damn Send me some and I'll report back. I'll give you my info and where to send it. Shit I'm out and need to order some but have no $$ right now. Crap think I'm joking? Lol If you were on SSI you would be broke also. My source just shut down, it was private so I need to check some source out when I'm able. I've heard mixed reviews in regard to PSL and Vaultek.

The last T400 I did hurt like hell for days. So I would mix it with Deca. Never heard of a 400 that didn't burn.
Damn Send me some and I'll report back. I'll give you my info and where to send it. Shit I'm out and need to order some but have no $$ right now. Crap think I'm joking? Lol If you were on SSI you would be broke also. My source just shut down, it was private so I need to check some source out when I'm able. I've heard mixed reviews in regard to PSL and Vaultek.

The last T400 I did hurt like hell for days. So I would mix it with Deca. Never heard of a 400 that didn't burn.

See me in private messaging and I will see what I can get you... also if you have access to any lab Max feel free to do some testing to prove to some of these individuals that habitually tailor all PSL feedback threads....

We will never please everyone but for those that have been displeased it's about time they move on.... the community gets it , "some dont like us" big deal, everyone heard your case in point.. we've heard it all before it's time to move on...