Taking 400 mg test prop weekly for 8 weeks, what pct?


New member
So i just want to keep most my gains and have normal test/balls after too. Wondering what i could take for PCT what doeses, when etc

i have access to nolva on hand. Been told just HCG but ive heard that to cause gyno and higher estro... Been looking at arimidex and aromasin but so much info so much items, i just dont know the ideal thing for what i am taking...

EOD i take test prop 100mg.
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So i just want to keep most my gains and have normal test/balls after too. Wondering what i could take for PCT what doeses, when etc

i have access to nolva on hand. Been told just HCG but ive heard that to cause gyno and higher estro... Been looking at arimidex and aromasin but so much info so much items, i just dont know the ideal thing for what i am taking...

EOD i take test prop 100mg.

It sounds like your on cycle right now?

1. don't start a cycle without your pct 100% ready
2. pct should be nolva, clomid, or torem (or better yet use 2)
3. HCG should be used during your cycle stopping 1 week before you start your SERM treatment
4. yes you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (aroma, letro, or adex) some say wait for estro sides to pop up before you start dosing, I would start with a low dose from the beginning but thats just me. I prefer aroma because it's a suicide Aromatase inhibitor (AI) (prevents estro rebound) and is less harsh on lipids and cholesterol. start @ 10mg ED and adjust depending on how you feel.
3. 100mg EOD = 350/week not 400
4. test-p only cycle should be run for 10 weeks, 12 for longer ester
5. this forum is for the cycle you are currently running not for questions on how to setup a cycle
I agree with mlupi have all your shit ready to go before you start just incase , i'd go with clomid but ready yourself for some depression.