Taking Finaplix Pellets orally?


New member
So this guy at my gym claims that he takes like 1 pellet daily, orally under his tongue and that in doing so he takes in 100% of the trenbolone acetate and that by my converting the pellets to an injectable that only 80% is usable. I informed him he's full of shit. Any thoughts.:rolleyes: forgot to mention that he claims the pellets are metholized like bol or a bombs. Fuckin moron.
ApE said:
I informed him he's full of shit. Any thoughts

My thoughts are that you made a correct assessment of the situation.

As for oral bioavailability, any acetate will have some, but not as much as if it were 17-aa. Case in point, oral primo is methenolone acetate. As for percentage available, I have no idea. So is he getting a benefit out of taking the pellets orally? Yes.

However, if he were to use a cattle implant gun, he would then get 100% of the fina. I would make sure to inform him of this.
He's like totally convinced that taking "1" pellet daily is going to give him a correct daily dosage. You have to figure there's like what? 10 or more pellets per plastic holder and you need two carts to make 50cc @ about 80-100mg./cc. Just doesn't add up.
No it doesn't. But what does add up is that he's an idiot that seems to refuse to try to find out how to take it, which imo is a complete waste of good gear.
Question though: Will this idiot get anything at all out of this? I know oral availability is limited but I'm guessing he's thinking it's going straight into his bloodstream.
who knows?

the attached acetate ester may make the tren too big to enter the membrane and he may just be eating it.
Taking Finaplix

What about crushing it up and mixing it with dmso or flojel and applying it to the skin?
Re: Taking Finaplix

BgMc31 said:
What about crushing it up and mixing it with dmso or flojel and applying it to the skin?

that'll work but because of the molecular weight it is only about 50% as effective compared to injection.
I read the various opinions from people with "different" experience. I will probably try the Tren by injection next. This bout I tried the unconverted, subligual method that the majority says is a waste. I am not so sure about that. I have been injecting testosterone cypionate 200mg/ml 2x/wk with decent results. At about 6 weeks into it I didn't feel the benefit and was at a standstill with my progress. Size stabilized, strength gains halted. That testosterone drive just wasn't there. I got my hands on a couple of Finaplix H cartridges and was advise by an old friend (who is huge) to just crush up 4 tabs upon wakening and hold the powder under my tongue for 20 minutes, then swallow, repeat at 4:00PM pre work out, and 2 tabs at bedtime. I am only on day 9 of this regimine and size, weight, strength is up noticably and body fat percentage is down. I feel that crazy man's rush while benching and doing weighted dips and I am totally enjoying my workouts again. Now I am not saying that injecting or transdemal w/DMSO is not better, I just do not have experience with trying that yet. But I can tell you this, I am no retard, THIS IS WORKING!!! I can only imagine how shooting it would be. I haven't felt this kind of wourkout rush since I was doing cyp, deca 3 times a week and two 50mg Anadrols daily. I now get the strength and size without the nosebleeds. Your thoughts without being condesending would be appreciated.
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I read the various opinions from people with "different" experience. I will probably try the Tren by injection next. This bout I tried the unconverted, subligual method that the majority says is a waste. I am not so sure about that. I have been injecting testosterone cypionate 200mg/ml 2x/wk with decent results. At about 6 weeks into it I didn't feel the benefit and was at a standstill with my progress. Size stabilized, strength gains halted. That testosterone drive just wasn't there. I got my hands on a couple of Finaplix H cartridges and was advise by an old friend (who is huge) to just crush up 4 tabs upon wakening and hold the powder under my tongue for 20 minutes, then swallow, repeat at 4:00PM pre work out, and 2 tabs at bedtime. I am only on day 9 of this regimine and size, weight, strength is up noticably and body fat percentage is down. I feel that crazy man's rush while benching and doing weighted dips and I am totally enjoying my workouts again. Now I am not saying that injecting or transdemal w/DMSO is not better, I just do not have experience with trying that yet. But I can tell you this, I am no retard, THIS IS WORKING!!! I can only imagine how shooting it would be. I haven't felt this kind of wourkout rush since I was doing cyp, deca 3 times a week and two 50mg Anadrols daily. I now get the strength and size without the nosebleeds. Your thoughts without being condesending would be appreciated.

So you're basically taking 10 Fina pellets a day, which is 200mg (10x20mg= 200mg).

Now, even if taking it orally has low yield %, let's say 50% or as low as 1/3 or 33%, you're basically getting about at least 66mg TA/day up to 100mg TA/day. Therefore, it's not a surprise that you are seeing results.

I have never tried it orally, but I have taken inj., and I can tell you that I get noticeable results (strength, pump, up 0.5lb/week) with just as low as 30mg/day, 3 times a week.

So judging from that, I'd say that if you were to inj. 200mg/day, you'd be blown away just from the side effects alone.