Taking suggestions for keto diet food

Please post suggestions for food to add.
Please post suggestions for food to add.
Please post suggestions for food to add.

Howdy I'm looking for more foods to add to a ketogenic diet. no carbs sunday-friday noon. Carb loading friday night through saturday.

I've done my measurements and math.
I planned on a 500 calorie deficiency from my BMR so I would be at 2800 calories daily. Currently 16-17%bf at 220lbs
I need 183 grams of protein and 229 grams of fat daily.
I believe I need around 600 grams of carbs during the loading period.

My primary planned source of protein and fat is ground beef. I am alergic to dairy so no butter. Probably one meal a day of eggs.

Please post suggestions for food to add.
Please post suggestions for food to add.
Please post suggestions for food to add.
Healthy fats - ev olive oil & almonds

When you carb load, make sure its complex; brown rice, sweet potatos & whole wheat pasta. Good luck!!