tap water...


New member
ok i drank a gallon of tap water every day for like 3 weeks straight and got a bladder infection... my question in all honesty is their anything wrong with drinking tap water?
I've never even heard of something like that but as long as we are on the subject, Moving forward maybe you buy a gallon of distilled water for .93 at the supermarket? Buy 7 at a time.
I saw something on TV not too long ago (I think it was Mythbusters) where tap water was just as good as and in some cases slightly better for you than bottled water.
I have read there could be probelms consuming large amounts due to the fluoride in tap water. With that said, I drink at least 1 1/2 gallons a day and haven't had any issues. A quick google search truns up a few articles that seem to support this. Bump for more info.
we buy 5 5 gallon jugs a week...and we didnt get any for 2 weeks, and i drank tap water and got a bladder infection...i also had just got done with post cycle therapy (pct) from my stupid DMT i did...so i thought maybe it was my prostate.
distilled water is not a good option. for one, there are no minerals in it (unless you buy mineral water). tap water is a better option so long as your local supply isn't contaminated with lead or toxins.
Bottled water ... fuck that, unless I live in a place with foul tasting water.

Get a charcoal filter at home if you like.

Are you on well or city water? If you are on city water, then I'm 99.999% sure that the water was not your problem.

So does it feel like you need to pee every 2 seconds?
At home I don't use one because the water rivals spring water. But at school I use one of the those BRITA filters to take out the cat shit and burnt hair taste of inner city water.
mines city water... it smells like spa water with lots or cholorine and bleach in it. i dont feel like that any more, but when i did, id piss and feel like their was still some that needed to come out, and id go piss every 10 minutes...very shitty week and a half.