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Can someone help me here i need to find a cream or gel that i can put on my penis that has a good taste to it also able to ingest and come in a variety of flavors this is for my girlfriend just to give it some flavor and to make it more enjoyable for her, and something that i dont have to buy online, somthing that i can pick up in a store or some kind of sex shop maybe,
flavors would be like a watermelon or a strawberry things of this nature any ideas???
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well find a sex shop in your area and look for something, maybe thy could order something for you
honey seems to work or try rubbing some sodas, tried that on one a girls pussy. She had some wierd taste on her pussy, not to bad but i just didn't like it, so i tried washing her w/ some soda. IMHO i like sprite better than coca-cola btw.
You don't have to put anything on it. If you eat healthly, the cum will taste better (knowen fact) Availd vinger or garlics, try sweet stuff (pineapples works alot with my girl, she loves it) it will make it taste sweeter. Then, clean it regularly with some scented soap, girls love it when your dick smells like flowers and "misty breeze".

And if her pussy smells funny, she either needs to clean it better or she might have something. Be very careful, cause when girls get an infection they can pass that shit to you.
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Ill run the honey and syrup thing by her. but i dunno about the soda stuff thats kinda hard to keep on your penis she wants somthing like watermelon and strawberry stuff like a jolly rancher thing i guess. and i dont care about what my cum tastes like she just wants my penis to have a lil flava but thanks for the ideas.can i get some brand names of some more products tho, more tropical flavors??anyone thanks alot
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just a word of caution; it's not a good idea to use sugary liquids, esp. if you are going to have sex after she goes down on you- the sugar in the product can give both you and her a NASTY yeast infection. tha natural yeast living in the body grows out of control when exposed to sugar. stick with flavored lubes like WET and WET Platinum; both of those taste great and also help add lubrication for sex... also, ID makes a great strawberry lube. you can find any of those plus a thousand more brands at any sex shop; Priscilla's, Adam and Eve's, Christy's, etc. also, tell her to try the old "altoid" trick...she can put a strong sugar-free mint in her mouth while she goes down on you~ the mint will help the taste for her and also give you a great hot/cold feeling.
hope that helped...
no im just talking about a blowjob but thanks anyways and were would i find a local sex shop what should i look under in the yellow pages or is there a website or somthing?? thanks
Go to amazing.net and see if they have a store around you. There are lots of lotions that are edible and fruit flavored, some get warm when licked or even breathed on.
The flavored lubes above are good. Go to your local porn store, most of them sell other things besides movies.

If it's just for a blowjob and no intercourse, then she can just keep a jolly ranchers or other hard candy in her mouth tucked inbetween her gums and her cheek.
find a good water based edible lubricant that she likes the taste of. My wife digs this cinnimom flavored lubricant we get. Beware most of them taste like crap