Tempted to use steroids..turning 21few days

OK then I am the f k n asshole for lumping you into the dude s who strut around all hard and shit using foul language in the gym...(a gay ass family like mine I mean...I m not bad ass enough to need more than a 80 pd db to incline it 18 times...) stare at my gf, 100 pd knock out and 3 daughters...all gymnists and play w their package...so it is


..who is at fauly for extrapolating those little fuckers I d like to smash for the indecencie s or the management as they are scared to make minorities..in this case only mind you...act right as they re scared of the race card. One black kid wore a hoody that said I am Fly As Fuck.
I told management to have him change or to leave. They waited for MO the black trainer as they were scared of offending him.

F k d up . Totally.

Ur a good man for saying what you did..thank you.
So u think defending myself when I'm being attacked makes me a punk? How many times a day do u suck Teutonics dick?

Your overall attitude by what you say in your posts tells us you may just be a punk. Oh You'll be 60 years old someday trust me. Just hope or pray you can keep up with us older guys when you get there.
You seem young, no experience , uneducated, quick tempered and rude, full of youthful ego.
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I'm not sure if anyone at my gym wears hoodies or muscle shirts or shirts at all, idk.. The only person I've ever noticed in the gym is the chick in spandex and the dude staring back at me in the mirror.
Your overall attitude by what you say in your posts tells us you may just be a punk. Oh You'll be 60 years old someday trust me. Just hope or pray you can keep up with us older guys when you get there.
You seem young, no experience , uneducated, quick tempered and rude, full of youthful ego.

Man, I respect the members/mods of this forum, I really do, I have said this multiple times. Im sorry u feel this way about me, and I resent it.

My character was attacked here and I had to defend myself. I may be young, lack experience, uneducated but I am in college seeking education. I am not quick tempered, I was attacked and I had to be rude, and defend myself. I am not full of youthful ego either, I am a humble man, I respect those who have gone down the journey of this whole lifting thing and have more life experience than I do... im not a snot nose know it all.
BY the way, about the tank tops and sleeveless shirts, they have a few good purposes. I'll tell you why the started putting mirrors in BB gyms long ago. It was so the BB could see the pump, se the contraction of the muscle being worked. Then also you get to check your form.

Now the real BB likes to see his/her progress and that's the best place. The lighting is good the angles and the critiquing from your serious friends and trainers. I sometimes roll up my sleeves if I have them so I can watch my bicep or triceps or chest etc.. contract as I squeeze etc..

Then again I like the way I look (sometimes) I work my loving ass off to get what I got (or had for me) and like to have others see me like that as well as see myself.

What a better place then to flex, pose, and look at what you work for everyday for YEARS than the gym. Hell women have boob jobs and like to show their stuff (and we like it :) ) and they didn't lift a Fvckin finger or a drop of sweat to get all the looks. What's the double standard. I like to see outstanding bodies whether it be male or female. If you are a mature man al all you will take that last statement in the right way.

I will say this, I have covered my head while doing preachers or table triceps to concentrate on what I am doing and not the chicks or the punks or even the outstanding BB. Everything has it's place but the punk look is just for the punk. :dunno:
OP: Cycle is bad mmkay?

Shirt debate: I really don't care what others are wearing as long as you're not strutting in my area, or trying to scam ass on a machine I'm waiting for. I do wear tank tops, but for one reason - you ever try taking off a soaked tee when you've fatigued your muscles? Impossible! Lol. :laugh::spin:
I'm not sure if anyone at my gym wears hoodies or muscle shirts or shirts at all, idk.. The only person I've ever noticed in the gym is the chick in spandex and the dude staring back at me in the mirror.

it always gets awkward when you make eye contact with the dude in the mirror lol.

on the point of the hoody situation. the only person i know that wears a hoody regularly is kai greene when he works out and in my opinion he can do what the f he wants.

as far as this argument goes i think both sides have said things that went a little to far but Tuetonic did apologize and was a man about it new alias you apologized kinda but still adding in excuses defending yourself i think it can be left at you accepting tuetonics apology and then saying sorry in return.

so back to the op's question i think you are to young brother. get your diet and training on point and train hard a couple more years being that you reached 180 lbs just hit it hard and stay committed its a game of slow progression you have plenty of time to train natural and decide a little later if you want to make the leap to aas.
Myers 462, you ate focusing on the wrong things in you vain youth. Yes I'm vain to a point but with my age I've figured out that "THEY" don't give a shit how you look. They comment because they are rude if it's negative. They don't tell the truth sometimes and lie to not hurt you, but it all isn't going to hurt you, unless you let it.

Not many of us look the way we want , EVER in this sport. Your weight isn't it, what you lift isn't it. You can be light and lean and look awesome. You can be bulked and have that awesome big look that some ladies and others like. Like me back in my prime, by the way I looked you would think I would bench heavy weight. Nope I am ver , very genetically weak and I am serious.

Guys I work out with at the same weight n the same shape, close with me looking better are lifting Benching 90 lbs more, average on the big lifts and on and on. So it is important to eat (diet) and lift and with that you MUST be consistent and patient when coming back.

You are too young and will only hurt your future. Listen to these guys Good luck and wait until you have reached your max natty. Hold off 3-4 years.

PS: Fvck I can't type worth a shit
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it always gets awkward when you make eye contact with the dude in the mirror lol.

on the point of the hoody situation. the only person i know that wears a hoody regularly is kai greene when he works out and in my opinion he can do what the f he wants.

as far as this argument goes i think both sides have said things that went a little to far but Tuetonic did apologize and was a man about it new alias you apologized kinda but still adding in excuses defending yourself i think it can be left at you accepting tuetonics apology and then saying sorry in return.

so back to the op's question i think you are to young brother. get your diet and training on point and train hard a couple more years being that you reached 180 lbs just hit it hard and stay committed its a game of slow progression you have plenty of time to train natural and decide a little later if you want to make the leap to aas.

I can see what your saying that although I did apologize I still tried to justify it. To show my respect for this forum and it's mods I will make it right.

So without further ado, Teutonic, I am sorry that I took it too far and resorted to personal attacks.
Okay guys I'm not gonna take them, but ever since my surgery last week I've had no appetite. Most I was able to eat without puking was 1800 cals...my maintenance is 2800. I've lost close to 12 lbs this week and its noticeable. Like it got me all depressed and shit. I don't wanna be that skinny kid like I was in HS but I just can't eat anymore and Idk why....
Okay I was thinking that, if I'm 147.5 lbs at 10-12% bf how much more weight do you think I need to lose before I get to 7%?

Unless your prepping for a body building show there is no purpose to get to 7% bf,, And it would be very unhealthy to try and maintain that
Unless your prepping for a body building show there is no purpose to get to 7% bf,, And it would be very unhealthy to try and maintain that

No I don't plan on competing this year cause of surgery and such. But I would like to see what my body looks like at a low bf% cause I use to be pretty lean growing up and 2 years ago when I started lifting I just dirty bulked and sat at 17-18% (gained 3-5 lbs a week) for 2 years. I would like to get low bf and lean bulk cause I hated being fat
Every time you cut to low body fat, naturally,, You loose muscle. It's impossible to get to 7% bf without loosing muscle along the way.. If you want to sacrifice loosing hard earned muscle just to see what 7% bf looks like, You could do that.

Me personally , I prefer to keep the muscle I've worked hard to gain and would only cut down to that low of bf using AAS and and prepping for a show
Hoodie?? shit id workout in my boxers if i could, i dont know i feel uncomfortable as fuck covered up and sweating all over the equipment. Plus a hoodie will hide all my veins popping out i wont be able to stare in the mirror and amaze myself with all this trenbolone flowing through my veins. Unless your ugly like Kai Greene dont wear a hoodie chicks dont like it lol