Tensity Before and After pics

Golgo13 said:
Wow, great job man!

Not to sound rude or anything, but this wasn't your first contest, I mean I saw pics from your last one. What did you do to put on that much fat? I know you probably just went through some strict dieting pain and suffering to lose it, but what did you do to get it? Are you genetically predisposed to being overweight?

Thanks Rage, G13.....

LMAO. To be honest, I was pretty set on breaking 300lbs (hit 303 at my heaviest) and with the strength along with it< i just lost my self-critique is all. I actually didn't realize I had become THAT overboard until the first pics were taken. I didn't eat all that bad, there were some Dairy Queens thrown in there sure, but mostly just ALOT of carbs, more than I was supposed to be eating, plus had Thanksgiving and Xmas in there as well, lol.

I simply won't go that far again, didn't get much benefit out of it other than some serious stress on my heart. Would like to stay around the 12% range at ~290 or so from here on.
parrish said:
Your bottom abs & lower back is fuckin amazing!!!!
How did you do it?routine?

Hey, thanks Parrish! Obviously you know the areas are showing through because of diet and conditioning. In terms of hitting/training them, lower abs got most of the work from 20-minute pilates sessions at home, about 3x week. I'm sold on that as a routine from here on out, plus it really helps to just flatten your lower waist for posing. Lower back was from ALOT of rows and years of deadlifting, though I backed off the deads this past year and I think it showed, I need to thicken that area up some more.
IslandGirl said:
DMS.....we would be honored to have you at IM in the roundtable. I'd love to get to know you better.....you know your stuff!
Hey girlie! :wavey:

DMS is the shiznit! Extremely knowledgable guy and soooooo willing to help others. I think I heart him. ;)
rubberduckyo said:
Hey girlie! :wavey:

DMS is the shiznit! Extremely knowledgable guy and soooooo willing to help others. I think I heart him. ;)

I think I heart him too, but in a much different way, lol! :startrek:
diezell said:
awesome lats shows he knows his stuff

Tks D, back is my best part. Just gotta bring everything else up, lol, and get my back bigger too!!! growgrowgrowgrowgrowgrowgrowgrowgrow...........