Terminology Faq


New member
I am learning about steroids, but the terminology is intimidating, I don't know where to begin! Could someone list the words that are common, newbish words? Especially the abbreviations, like tren, EQ, stuff like that. Thanks you!
Definitions of Slang Terminology

ALA= Alpha Lipoic Acid
AS = Anabolic Steroids
AR = Androgen Receptor
BA = benzyl alcohol
BB = Body Builder or Body Building
BRO = You and I
CASE = The body part of a syringe
CC = cubic centimeter (one thousandth of a liter)
CLEN = Clenbuterol
CNS = Central Nervous System
CYP = Testosterone Cypionate
DART =Syringe/Needle
DBOL = Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)
DECA = Nandrolone Decanoate
DHT = Dihydrotestosterone
DNP = Dinitrophenol
DRINK Winstrol (winny) = Yes you can drink Winstrol (winny)
ECA = Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirin
ED = Every Day
ENTH = Testosterone Enanthate
EOD = Every other day
EQ = Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
FINA = Finaplix (Trenbolone Acetate)
GEAR= steroids
GH = Growth Hormone
GYNO = Gynomastica (Bitch tits)
HGH = Human Growth Hormone
HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis
IGF = Insulin Growth Factor
INJ = Inject, Injection
LH = Leutenizing Hormone
MCG = Micrograms
MG = Milligrams
ML = Milliliters
NYC = Norephedrine Yohimbe Caffiene
NOLVA = Nolvaldex
OTC = Over the counter
PIN = Needle
PRIMO = Primobolan, Primobolan Depot
PROP = Testosterone Propionate
SLIN = Insulin
SUST = Sustanon
T3 = Thyroid Hormone
TEST = Testosterone
TREN = Trenbolone
WINNY = Winstrol-V (Stanozolol)
17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated
1cc = 1ml

CRS = Can't remember Shit
ot = off topic
O/T = off topic
LOL = Laugh out loud
LMAO = Laughing my ass off
LMFAO = laughing my fu(king ass off
ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
ROFLMFAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my fu(king ass off
ROFLMGDMFAO = rolling on the floor laughing my god damn mother fu(king ass off
BTW = By the way
IMO = In my opinion
IMHO = In my humble opinion
IMHO = In my honest opinion
WTF = What the fu(k
stfu = shut the fu(k up
AAFLB = Accronims are for lazy bastards
AAS = Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids
Eq- Equipose
Test- testosterone
Tren- Trenbolone acetate
Ox- Oxandrolone/Anavar
Deca- Nandrolone Decanoate
Prop- Test Propionate
Winny- Winstrol/Stanozolol
Cyp- Testosterone Cypionate
Ent- Test Enanthate
YGM - you got mail
LMAO - laugh my ass off
LMFAO - laugh my fuckin ass off
EOD - every other day
ED- every day

Hope this helps you abarlament, just a few that I could think of right now. I'm sure a few bros. will put up a few more. Welcome to Steroidology.:D
Very good question. I will help you out the best I can.

ED = Every day
EOD = Every other day
EQ = EQUIPOISE (Boldenone Undecylenate)
Tren/Fina = Finaject (Trenbolone Acetate) ~ the old Parabolan
Test = General expression for all testosteron, IE susta, propiante...
HGH/HG = Human Growth Hormon
d-bol/thai = Dianabol
Winny/Win = Winstrol(Stanzolol)
sust/omna = Sustanon/Omnadren
Primo = Primobolan depot
Clen = Clenbuterol
ECA = Ephedrin/Coffein/Aspirin
depot = injectable
A-bombs/A50 = Anadrol 50
frontload = More juice in the beginning of the cycle
pyramid = most juice in the midle of the cycle. Little in the beg and end
AAS/AS/roids/juice/gear = Anabolic Androgen Steroids
MPB = Male Pattern Baldness
gyno = gynomastic? (Bitch tits)
PTC = Post cycle thearpy (Clomid, Nolvadex etc.)

maybe some admin can make this a sticky. Would be good.
I will update it when i pick up something new.
Hope it helped.
I'll take a crack at this one:

>General abbreviations:
EOD- every other day
ED- every day
EW- each week
LOL- laughing out loud
LMAO- laughing my ass off
IMO- in my opinion
ATM- at the moment
FAQ- frequently asked questions
bf or bf%- body fat
vet- someone who is and experienced user and usually has much knowledge
mod- monitor or moderator; typically trustworthy and highly experienced
AAS, (AS)- anabolic/androgenic steroids
WTF- what the f**k

>Anabolic/androgenic substances:
test- any testosterone
drol/A-bombs- anadrol
dbol- dianabol
primo- primobolan (usually depot) aka methenolone enanthate
var- anavar aka oxandrolone
whinny- winstrol (depot or tabs)
slin- insulin
tren/fina- trenbolone acetate aka finaplix/finaject (bovine steroid)
EQ- equipoinse aka boldenone undecylenate (a equine steroid)
sust- sustanon250 (a blend of 4 esterified testosterones)
omna- pretty much just see Sustanon (sust) above
prop, cyp, or enan- testosterone esters of different lengths
deca- deca-durabolin (nandrolone decanoate).. NOT the same as durabolin
HGH- human growth hormone

>Post cycle/"anti-estrogen" substances:
nolva- nolvadex/tamoxifen
armi- armidex/liquidex/anastrozole... all same thing
HCG- Human chorionic gonadotropin
femara- letrozole

>Other stuff:
clen- clenbuterol
ECA- ephedrine, caffine, aspirin
t3- triiodothyronine, a thyroid hormone
DNP- di-nitro phenol, and uncoupler
ALA- alpha lipoic acid
multi- multivitamin
pins/dart- syringes/needles
depot- usually means the injectible version of a steroid that also comes in tabs

...I think most others I didn't list are pretty self explanatory, but I'm sure I forgot some... and if you have more that are not on here, just ask.
Kim the Swede said:
maybe one of the admins/mods can do a summarization or something and make a sticky
LOL.. yah, Good idea. We all have good lists...

When I began my above post, there were no responses, but by the time I clicked "submit" 10min later, there were already a half dozen LOL...
TxLonghorn said:
I stuck this, but somebody else is going to have to go through and make one list out of these posts.

I nominate Tx......

Oh wait.....he's the boss and does the delegation.....:D
StoneColdNTO said:
I nominate Tx......

Oh wait.....he's the boss and does the delegation.....:D
or you can split the thread???? lol

here ya go....i was bored

ALA= Alpha Lipoic Acid
AS = Anabolic Steroids
AR = Androgen Receptor
BA = benzyl alcohol
BB = Body Builder or Body Building
BRO = You and I
CASE = The body part of a syringe
CC = cubic centimeter (one thousandth of a liter)
CLEN = Clenbuterol
CNS = Central Nervous System
CYP = Testosterone Cypionate
DART =Syringe/Needle
DBOL = Dianabol (Methandrostenolone)
DECA = Nandrolone Decanoate
DROL=A-bombs- anadrol
DHT = Dihydrotestosterone
DNP = Dinitrophenol
DRINK Winstrol (winny) = Yes you can drink Winstrol (winny)
ECA = Ephedrine/Caffeine/Aspirin
ED = Every Day
ENTH = Testosterone Enanthate
EOD = Every other day
EQ = Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)
FINA = Finaplix (Trenbolone Acetate)
GEAR= steroids
GH = Growth Hormone
GYNO = Gynomastica (Bitch tits)
HGH = Human Growth Hormone
HPTA = Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis
IGF = Insulin Growth Factor
INJ = Inject, Injection
LH = Leutenizing Hormone
MCG = Micrograms
MG = Milligrams
ML = Milliliters
NYC = Norephedrine Yohimbe Caffiene
NOLVA = Nolvaldex
OTC = Over the counter
PIN = Needle
PRIMO = Primobolan, Primobolan Depot
PROP = Testosterone Propionate
SLIN = Insulin
SUST = Sustanon
T3 = Thyroid Hormone
TEST = Testosterone
TREN = Trenbolone
WINNY = Winstrol-V (Stanozolol)
17 AA = 17 Alpha Alkylated
1cc = 1ml
AAS = Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids
Ox- Oxandrolone/Anavar
Deca- Nandrolone Decanoate
YGM - you got mail
LMAO - laugh my ass off
LMFAO - laugh my fuckin ass off
EOD - every other day
ED- every day

MISC. Shit
clen= clenbuterol
ECA= ephedrine, caffine, aspirin
t3=triiodothyronine, a thyroid hormone
DNP= 1, 4 dinitrophenol
ALA= alpha lipoic acid
multi= multivitamin
pins/dart= syringes/needles
depot=usually means the injectible version of a steroid that also comes in tabs


CRS = Can't remember Shit
ot = off topic
O/T = off topic
LOL = Laugh out loud
LMAO = Laughing my ass off
LMFAO = laughing my fucking ass off
ROFLMAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
ROFLMFAO = Rolling on the floor laughing my fucking ass off
ROFLMGDMFAO = rolling on the floor laughing my god damn mother fucking ass off
BTW = By the way
IMO = In my opinion
IMHO = In my humble opinion
IMHO = In my honest opinion
WTF = What the fuck
stfu = shut the fuck up
AAFLB = Accronims are for lazy bastards