TEST 350 once every 5 days?


New member
I just took my second shot of 350 mg test today 5 days after my first. I was gonna run 250 every 4 days but I decided on 350 every 5. My test is test e 350 for some reason so it's hard to find info online since there isn't much test that's dosed at 350 usually it's 250 or 300 right?
Any ways is that ok or am I right on with that dose I believe I read the half life for test e is 5 days

Also when should I introduce the var?

Cycle is 1--10 test e 350 every 5 days
3-10 var 40mg Ed
And obviously HGH every day over a year at 4ius a day.
Most of us pin twice a week to keep hormone levels even. So in your case, about 250mg every 3.5 days.

No AI? No hCG?

Why would you pin HGH EOD?

What will your PCT be?
Oh yea and also this is only my second cycle of test. First one was 250 2 times a week. And it was about 3 years ago. I could probably just get away with the same cycle this time except with the var and HGH would make it a lot better. Ugh I dunno I need help figuring this out??
Dude I'm doing HGH every day I said that. 4ius. I have and AI. And I can get HGH quickly I was going to just run HGH the last week right until I start PCT.
Oh man... you started ANOTHER thread!?

Do yourself a favour - go back to the home page and read the stickies, you have no idea how to run a cycle it seems...

Personally you are wasting your money with the HGH... you admitted on one of your other threads that your diet isn't dialled in...

Do you think these are wonder drugs that will do all the hard work for you?

I bet your training isn't great either.

Man, you really need to learn this game properly, and make the most of your genetic potential before jumping onto compounds you quite obviously know nothing about.
Dude are you kidding? I trained hard natty for 8 years. Hard..... I paid my dues do don't give me that crap. My diet isn't 100 percent but it will be every day from here on out I just stared again. I'm making threads to get a better understanding.... I've read and done my research I just want a little direct help from the vets. My training is great, I work out hard and right. I know they aren't wonder drugs I don't expect them to be, I put in the work. And how is HGH a waste if I am doing a year?? If you want to help my cycle thanks but don't make assumptions about my training or try to belittle me. I'm not in here asking questions like " hey dudes uhhhh when will I feel test e, or hey uhh what's pct"
Oh man... you started ANOTHER thread!?

Do yourself a favour - go back to the home page and read the stickies, you have no idea how to run a cycle it seems...

Personally you are wasting your money with the HGH... you admitted on one of your other threads that your diet isn't dialled in...

Do you think these are wonder drugs that will do all the hard work for you?

I bet your training isn't great either.

Man, you really need to learn this game properly, and make the most of your genetic potential before jumping onto compounds you quite obviously know nothing about.

Why u so harsh to people.man when u are suppose to be representing a lab, your fucked bro and like I said work.on yourself before digging others, u are nothing special physique wise which u talk your game man!
Dude are you kidding? I trained hard natty for 8 years. Hard..... I paid my dues do don't give me that crap. My diet isn't 100 percent but it will be every day from here on out I just stared again. I'm making threads to get a better understanding.... I've read and done my research I just want a little direct help from the vets. My training is great, I work out hard and right. I know they aren't wonder drugs I don't expect them to be, I put in the work. And how is HGH a waste if I am doing a year?? If you want to help my cycle thanks but don't make assumptions about my training or try to belittle me. I'm not in here asking questions like " hey dudes uhhhh when will I feel test e, or hey uhh what's pct"

No need for multiple threads man... just start your thread and if you have further queries, add them on...

As for your training experience, you should have added that to your initial post, rather than letting people summise where you are at...

You stated that you wish to run HGH for a whole year (which is good)
But then you stated that you wish to run just 2 cycles for that year - which would mean that for a sizeable chunk of that year, you'll be running HGH on it's own.

I personally feel this is a massive waste of a potentially great compound.

Just my opinion. Sorry if you took offence to my comments.
But when you suggested pinning your Test cycle E5D - I presumed you had no idea what you were doing.
No offense taken. I pinned a total of 700 test e in 5 days but I'm going to start pinning 250 2 times a week. NBD. I didn't know about the multiple threads thing either I am very knew to forums. I read them al day but never post. I'm going to do 2 cycles 3 Months on 3months off 3 months on 3 months off.....I think that's pretty reasonable. HGH on the time off I think would be benefiting. But who knows I've never done HGH. But if you think you have any ideas that will help then it's appreciated.
Why u so harsh to people.man when u are suppose to be representing a lab, your fucked bro and like I said work.on yourself before digging others, u are nothing special physique wise which u talk your game man!

Hey Matt, that IS Ben in his Avi. He walks the walk, and is looking out for folks by making sure they understand what should be understood. Guess what, he's never taken tren either - might want to think about that for a minute. ;)
No offense taken. I pinned a total of 700 test e in 5 days but I'm going to start pinning 250 2 times a week. NBD. I didn't know about the multiple threads thing either I am very knew to forums. I read them al day but never post. I'm going to do 2 cycles 3 Months on 3months off 3 months on 3 months off.....I think that's pretty reasonable. HGH on the time off I think would be benefiting. But who knows I've never done HGH. But if you think you have any ideas that will help then it's appreciated.

Glad you didn't take offence...

Personally if I was you, I'd have held off on the HGH and just ran a slightly more progressive cycle from your previous Test only cycle...

I'd have kept the pinning to every 3.5 days - and just upped the Test dose a tad from your last one.

I would have spent the money you used for HGH and hired a dietician for a year. I did the same myself and the results were outstanding (see Avatar)

I meant what I said earlier... that AAS and HGH money is money down the drain unless your calorie intake is bang on.
I would save the var for the end of your cycle brother to cut up. At that point reduce test. I don't want to look puffy at the end of a cycle. Your diet is the most important factor.

Good luck, hope you reach your goal, If not there is always next time.

Thanks for the advice..... I'm going to diet as well as I can without a dietitian for now. I guess it's too late to stop HGH I've been on it for about 2 weeks or so....im Doing it also for the anti aging effect even tho I am only 27.
Paul if in bring var in at the end, what week should I do that at and also what should I bring the test down too? Would that taper down be benefiting for recovery ?
The common usage for Var is the last 4-6 weeks of cycle.

Start at 50mg daily to assess potency... slowly ramp it up over the first 2 weeks until you're happy.

If you're reaching 100mg and not cramping, your 'Var is bunk.

Might be worth getting some L-Taurine in for those cramps and pumps - run that @ 3 or 4g daily whilst on the 'Var.
When I say diet, I don't mean diet. Watch carbs, and still use plenty of high quality protein. Now is the time to reduce any supplements that aromatize. A trt dosage is best to avoid water retention.

Good luck bro. everyone can use some good luck:)