Test 400-Deca cycle


New member
Hey guys,

Im going to start Testy 400/Deca/dbol cycle.

My question is on dosage of Test 400 and injection fequency.
Can I get away with one injection per week? I did some research on forum and it seems that injecting twice a week will be much better option.

Im considering taking 600 mg test and 400 deca.

Mon: .75cc T400 and 1cc of deca
Thur: .75cc T400 and 1cc of deca

Any suggestions?
Bro u can pin it all in the same syringe and 1 time aw. But u will get more steady blood levels from pining it eod or 2 time aw. I am on 750mg test enan now and 600mg mast. My mast is prop so i pin 250mg test and 200mg maste in the same syringe eod. Let's say i did not use the mast. Than i would have been pinning my test at 1,5cc on Mondays and Thursdays,,....... Most guys here pin test c,e and sust 2 times aw..

Good luck with ur cycle bor !!
Ive just started the same cycle, guy who I work with suggested i do 2ml test weeks 1-3, weeks 4-13 2ml test and 1ml deca, weeks 14-15 2ml test.. That's all I'm taking at the minute, nothing else, pinning once a week, reading alot of posts on here, they are saying that Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is mega important?, the guy who I work with is on 6ml test a week and 90mg anavar a day with no side effects?,... Can you tell me your thoughts? Any help would be appreciated.
Ive just started the same cycle, guy who I work with suggested i do 2ml test weeks 1-3, weeks 4-13 2ml test and 1ml deca, weeks 14-15 2ml test.. That's all I'm taking at the minute, nothing else, pinning once a week, reading alot of posts on here, they are saying that Aromatase inhibitor (AI) is mega important?, the guy who I work with is on 6ml test a week and 90mg anavar a day with no side effects?,... Can you tell me your thoughts? Any help would be appreciated.

Slim, you need to start your on thread instead if hijacking someone elses. If you don't know about Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or other on cycle ancileries then you are not honestly ready to be on gear, especially the cycle your running. I forsee gyno in your future and high estro that's gonna kill your sex drive. Your suppose to research first, pin second. Not the other way around. Lsitening to your drug dealer is not researching either.

@drummer - before anyone with any level f intelligence on here gives you advice on a cycle, there will be some pretty basic things we will need to know. Stats, goals, and cycle history for one. Anyone that givesyou advice without that information does not deserve your attention as they don;t know what they are doing themselves.
Jupiterak, are you doing any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or any post cycle therapy (pct)? Thanks

I'm using Exemestane 12.5mg/ed and have caber in case of any prolactin issues. I forgot I take 500iu's hcg twice a week as well.

I'm on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), so no post cycle therapy (pct) for me.
Noob muscle, im new to this and have already had my first pin, you predict these things for tue future.. Can you tell me how and what to take to stop this. It's a mine field and I'm finding alot of the right advice that people are putting on here are purely people's opinions on what has worked best for them, I would like it if anyone made it a little simpler for me? What do I need to avoid side effects on my current cycle?

Drummer - I'm sorry for hijacking your thread, I hope you dony mind that much.

Hey guys,

Im going to start Testy 400/Deca/dbol cycle.

My question is on dosage of Test 400 and injection fequency.
Can I get away with one injection per week? I did some research on forum and it seems that injecting twice a week will be much better option.

Im considering taking 600 mg test and 400 deca.

Mon: .75cc T400 and 1cc of deca
Thur: .75cc T400 and 1cc of deca

Any suggestions?

i have test 400 and deca 300 , so how much and how many time a week i should inject , size of needles how many bottles , what should i take after the cycle is done , thank you for your time , have a good day