Test and hair loss. Is it permanent?


New member
I know these threads pop up all the time and that many of you say f*ck it to thining hair and simply shave it BUT as a 21 year old I'd like to do what I can to preserve my hair.

My question is how much hair loss should one anticipate with a 10 week 500mg/wk test enanth cycle? I'm not sure if I'm predisposed to MPB. If I'm NOT predisposed does that mean I won't loose hair?

If I AM predisposed will I loose a little or a lot of hair? What is everybody's experience?

Was the hair loss due to a cycle permanent or does it grow back?

If I want to avoid permanent hair loss should I run propecia right away at the start of the cycle or can I get away with waiting until I see signs of hair loss and then ordering the propecia and start running it as soon as I get it (I'd like to avoid buying the propecia and not needing it)

Thanks guys
I would run the propecia from the start. I wish I had. I am also 21 and from my two cycles my hair has thinned out a lot. I havent been off long enought to see if it will thickin back up but I dont think it will with out some help.
I lost minimal amounts of hair when I was younger & taking cycles. It just falls out on its own now :D I agree with running propecia from the start of the cycle to the end. How much you lose depends on yor predisposition for male pattern baldness like you said. Propecia should definitely help though. I have had friends lose a ton of hair from taking 500mg of test, while others have taken a lot more and I think their hair got thicker! lol. In all the cases I personally know about, their hair did not grow back. There is always a $15,000 hair transplant you can get. I would much rather buy a boat and a baseball cap though! :D
Everybody is saying to take propecia. Is it expensive? Do you have to have a script to get it? I am 21 also and considering doing my first cycle in the next 10 weeks and I am prone to hairloss. My mom's dad is as slick babies ass and I dont want to look like that right now, but if I do fuck it and out comes the clipppers. I am going into the military in 18 months and it will be gone then anyway.
FunnyMonkey said:
Everybody is saying to take propecia. Is it expensive? Do you have to have a script to get it? I am 21 also and considering doing my first cycle in the next 10 weeks and I am prone to hairloss. My mom's dad is as slick babies ass and I dont want to look like that right now, but if I do fuck it and out comes the clipppers. I am going into the military in 18 months and it will be gone then anyway.

Check your PM bro. :)
someone posted that saw palmetto berry extract helps with the hair loss...somethin to do with the hair folicles.Not sure though but am gonna try it...
I lost a lot of hair on a minimum amount of testosterone. I'm 41 and the funny thing is that I took test when I was 27ish and don't remember having such a problem.

HOWEVER, I ceased my test and took spironolactone and about 2 months later propecia. I noticed that the spironolactone was working after 2 weeks. Can't really say about the propecia because I kept with the spironolactone while using it. I can say that I think all of my hair is now back.

But I still don't know if propecia helps because it is useful for MPB, not necessarily for telogen effluvium which is clearly what I had (it fell out at about week five and kept at it for 2 months). I simply don't know if TE is prevented by propecia.

propecia did zero for me. well, thats not true, it made me feel a big loss of libido. after doing it for a year i said fuck it and did my cycle. i lost some more hair after my first cycle but it all grew back after about another year. it even got a little thicker than it was before the cycle and the only thing i can imagine did it was flax seeds steeped in water every morning. i did this religiously, never imagining my hair would grow back. hell i shaved it for a good while until i noticed it started growing back much faster and much thicker. i went from clipping my hair weekly to doing it twice a week. then i started shaving it with a razor and noticed it kept coming back faster. so i let it grow out and it was definitely thicker. like i said, the only variable was the flax. i have never heard that flax seeds or oil can help with thinning hair, but my hair stopped falling out completely. and come to think of it. i havent taken flax in a good six months and im starting to notice that my hair is again starting to fall out, much less than before but still. i think i will get back on and see what happens. i could be wrong but i really think it was the flax.

edited to avoid double posting: another thing, i just did a cycle sustanon at 500 weekly and zero hair loss during the cycle. a month later im losing a little bit but its not even notable unless i run my hands through my hair. and believe me i am prone. my dad is completely bald up top and so was my grandfather(fathers father) i know people say that it comes from the moms dad but my grandfather died old and with a full head of hair.
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If you go through with it youll either lose hair, get acne, or grow tits. Everyone usually experiances 1 of the 3. If you are going to go bald, you'll go bald trust me.