Test and mast cycle -Just looking to get some feedback on a cycle I plan on doing. I'


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Just looking to get some feedback on a cycle I plan on doing. I've done a tren/sust cycle in the past with low dosages and now just wanting to to something new and not do tren although tren was amazinggggg.

I am 22 year old, 5'7, 185 pounds, and idk my body fat percent but I have somewhat of a gut and some water weight I want to get rid of lol that being said I want to try test/mast cycle.

First 6 weeks 500mg test 2nd 6 weeks 400mg test 350mg...something like that. Maybe do 10 weeks instead of 12?

Also curious if I should run a higher mast than the test cause I've researched plenty of people doing that? Maybe want to get more benefits from the mast so run that higher? Idk

Also thinking of adding anavar into this although idk if I really need it but just curious what you guys think if I really need that?

Will have aromasin on hand but doubt I'll need it but will have it for pct along with nolvadex running it 40/40/20/20 and 25/25/12.5/6 for 28 days.

Just curious to what you guys thinking, but I just want to keep it somewhat simple and make some decent gains and maybe finally have some girl lick whipped cream off my chiseled abs lol and yes I am aware that this cycle will heavily rely on my cardio and diet which will be fine, I'm just curious what u guys think about the cycle alone and the questions I have.
You are too young and too fat to cycle. Your endocrine system is still developing and you are going to aromatize a lot of estrogen at high body fat. You don't need a cycle. You need a diet coach and a trainer.
That's not a very good cycle at all. You dont know anything about how to use an ai or what is supposed to be in a pct. People who use mast and var are already low bf% and ripped. Fat people don't use things like mast and var to get ripped. Doesn't work like that. The only cycle you should be checking out is a bicycle. Pedal that gut off and in a couple years "if" your still training seriously, then do your homework on a proper first cycle...
sorry mate but you don't run a cycle to diet down. Steroids aren't a magic pill.

80% diet
15% training
5% gear

The proper diet and training is the fun part and generally cheaper as well, plus it won't fuck your body up for cycling before your body has fully developed. I realise you're 22 and probably feeling pretty damn adult like...but sorry mate, your body is still developing!