Test and Tren with lots of oral


New member
Hi all,
First off I've done 8-10 cycles before, I'm 6'3" at 225lbs. My goals with this cycle are to gain size but not wanting the scale to rise too much. Also looking for a motivational "strength gaining cycle" and this is why I have so many orals attached.

Test E weeks 1-4, 750mg ew
Sust250 weeks 5-7, 750mg ew
Test Prop weeks 8-9, 500mg ew
Tren Ace weeks 1-9, 400mg ew
Dbol weeks 1-4, 40mg ed
Winny weeks 2-4, 50mg ed
Anavar weeks 5-9, 80mg ed
Halo weeks 6-9, 20mg ed
Adex weeks 1-9, 0.5mg e3d
Nolva weeks 10-11, 40mg ed
Nolva weeks 12-13, 20mg ed
Clomid weeks 10-12, 50mg ed

Open for suggestions and substitutions
So I see you've been around and are experienced with AAS. Good.

However I will tell you with my experience and doing show prep I believe you are Way, way over board. With this you are over thinking. It seems you put too much emphasis on compounds.

You are duplicateing the attributes and do not need to. No reason to switch E to Sust. I would just jump to using Prop with "E". Stop "E" on your plan week 7..?
Keeping Prop. Tren ok per plan. Take your pick between Winstrol and Var. But Winstol at early cycle , not what it is used for and I am extremely experienced with Winstol. Use it or Var at end.

Use the Halo if you want. Week 6-9. It is fast acting. I recommend injectable Winstrol. But if you are train correctly and diet is right you don't need it.

Carful you need to be aware of all sides of E2 cause with Test at 750 Mg's and the Dbol , the .5 Mg's Adex may need adjusting . Good start dose.

My 2 cents
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I'll add prop in a bit earlier then and maybe just use sust instead of test e.
Sust250 weeks 1-7 500mg
Test Prop weeks 1-7 300mg
Test Prop weeks 8-9 500mg
Tren Ace weeks 1-9 400mg

As for the orals, that's a hard toss up because I love both var and winny for different reasons. If I had to choose I'd probably go with var and extend by an extra week or 2?
Good as far as Var. But if you are doing Sust there is no reason for prop. Not for any extended use W Sust.

Now not very orthadox to do but I sometimes use prop now and then for a booster wen I'm not feeling as charged as I want and or breaking platues. Just to hit spikes. Again I do it, I like it but many would disagree being it will cause your level to fluctuate. Again that's what I want wen I do it.

Cut out an oral and either Test E or Sust.
This might sound kind of asshole-ish, I apologize in advance. I'm not trying to be a dick, just to make a point.

When I see your weight and height 225# 6'3" I envision somebody tall, lean and athletic looking. You didn't state body fat, so I'll assume you are lean.

I'm 6'4" and 235#, and when I look in the mirror I see someone who's got some muscle on them, moderate size and some definition - definitely not somebody who would be considered huge or a muscle head body builder. So that's my frame of reference, I see you as similar to me with perhaps 8 or 9# less muscle.

For your goals, and your body type, this cycle is way way overboard. You don't need that many compounds or those doses. Perhaps if you had 25# more muscle on you, and AAS doses didn't work as well as they did in the beginning then yes.

I'd listen to Mike, shave out half of those drugs, I can't see how they would be needed. Go ahead and run test & tren, it will probably be awesome but don't mess around with switching from test e to sust, no point at all unless you have bottles laying around. If so then start with the sust. I would for sure drop the winny & halo, dbol and var will probably be pretty great.
I'll add prop in a bit earlier then and maybe just use sust instead of test e.
Sust250 weeks 1-7 500mg
Test Prop weeks 1-7 300mg
Test Prop weeks 8-9 500mg
Tren Ace weeks 1-9 400mg

As for the orals, that's a hard toss up because I love both var and winny for different reasons. If I had to choose I'd probably go with var and extend by an extra week or 2?

I'm NOT the voice of huge experience here like many who have already given feedback, but 9 weeks of sus just seems like a bit of a waste of the long esters in that blend. If you have it to burn, and if you wanna burn it anyway then it's all good but if I wanted to run 7 weeks of 800 test and then 1000 test for week 8 & 9 and I had enough prop, I'd just do it straight on. Gonna hurt like a mother but you know that already?

A prop/tren run at those levels is stout. If you have all your ducks in a row and are mentally prepared for epic-ness then I say "please log your progress " :-)

I'm not experienced with var but I'm not sure at those levels of oils you'd even notice much more from it?! Dunno there. One oral seems ok tho.

It's important to be in the right frame of mind, all your supplies in hand, and your gym routine and diet prepped. Don't waste it. And by that I mean, "if you are gonna put your body thru this chemical trauma, get all you can from it!"
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