You need to stop giving advice when you have no idea what is going on mate.
Your first post showed you didn't know what test base/suspension is. your 2nd one shows that you don't know how to dilute your oils when you said there isn't much he can do.
You also have commented on this may be his first cycle, with no evidence to suggest it is.
As for injecting in delts around the time of training them...I do exactly that. When training legs, I inject legs earlier that day. When training chest, injecting pecs that day.
It makes things much easier, gets blood flowing to the muscle and I have no muscle issues afterwards. This may not work for everyone, but as you said "just try and plan out your injections..." is telling him NOT to do something that works for some...
When in doubt, don't post in ignorance and at the very least, be cautious in your wording. Suggest, don't tell.