Test C and Tren A


Juicin Pilot
I completed my second cycle of Test E 500mg every week. I want to try Test C and Tren A. I'm wondering if I should do 500mg of Test C and 250mg of Tren A. I keep hearing to do more Tren then Test to reduce the sides, but I'm haven't heard of any results from the people doing it that way. Curious on how many injections of Tren A to do a week. Why cant you spread the tren into 2 injections a week like the test? I usually rotate it from my arms to quads. So i'm nervous of running out of injection sites. Dont really want to inject in my ass, rather do my stomach if I have too. Still have to research more on PCT, just want to get the Tren and test information out of the way. Dont really have any set goals for weight or anything just trying to increase.
tren ace is a short ester. its best if you do it every other day. You dont want to shoot glutes but want to do abs shots?? Are you nutz hehe...
hah hah......... yeah pump it in them abs!....... wht d fk..............JOKING.... id say dnt use mate you might hurt yourself or smthn
My roommates both hate the glutes and said the abs aren't nearly as bad afterwards. any ideas how many mg's? I was told to just do half of what i'm doing with test but starting to hear mixed reviews about that
everyone has their own injection sites, dont really see why it's a huge concern.. unless tren would hurt more injecting than test..
Dude its to early for you to run tren. Run npp or deca before tren Tren should be your 4th or 5th cycle or even 6th
Basically any injectable steroid requires intramuscular injection. Unless your ab muscles are about 3" thick you probably shouldn't be injecting there, as your intestines are only centimeters underneath the injection site. Id love to see your buddys actually do it!
i see him do it all the time.. ok so i wont do it geeze laweeze... I'll just run 75mg of tren eod guuullll...
Basically any injectable steroid requires intramuscular injection. Unless your ab muscles are about 3" thick you probably shouldn't be injecting there, as your intestines are only centimeters underneath the injection site. Id love to see your buddys actually do it!

i see him do it all the time.. ok so i wont do it geeze laweeze... I'll just run 75mg of tren eod guuullll...
i see him do it all the time.. ok so i wont do it geeze laweeze... I'll just run 75mg of tren eod guuullll...

Is he using a slin pin? If not is it like an injection from the side of the ab towards the center? Im just trying to get an idea how hes possibly even doing it. Pretty dangerous shit.
Is he using a slin pin? If not is it like an injection from the side of the ab towards the center? Im just trying to get an idea how hes possibly even doing it. Pretty dangerous shit.

I'll ask him tomorrow, he's on so much gear it's ridiculous.. he does it on the lower part of his abs right before you get to your waist/hips. I've seen him inject his chest but it's weird, he comes from the side of his chest at an angle. he's an older dude, but hasn't ever tried tren. I wish i would of never asked about the abs, now this entire thread has been a waste..
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Ok bud dont get discouraged. Test c and e are pretty much identical. 500mg a week is good. Your wanting to add tren at 250mg week. Need to split it up into eod injections. So long ester test once or twice a week short ester tren eod. Followed by post cycle therapy (pct). Dont try and do everything you read others are doing. Stick to basics, know how each drug effects you, change stuff up after a few cycles. Run tren lower than test this cycle to see how you react.
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I wouldnt worry about running out of injection sites, shoulders and legs can handles eod tren a and test c twice a week.
Ok bud dont get discouraged. Test c and e are pretty much identical. 500mg a week is good. Your wanting to add tren at 250mg week. Need to split it up into eod injections. So long ester test once or twice a week short ester tren eod. Followed by post cycle therapy (pct). Dont try and do everything you read others are doing. Stick to basics, know how each drug effects you, change stuff up after a few cycles. Run tren lower than test this cycle to see how you react.

Thanks bro, also he said that he really only injects HGH and hcg in his lower stomach. Thanks again
Not trying to hijack the thread, but I am about to start the same cycle TestC/TrenA, and have a question that might help others. Can you mix the TestC and TrenA into the same syringe and inject together or do you have to inject separately.
Not trying to hijack the thread, but I am about to start the same cycle TestC/TrenA, and have a question that might help others. Can you mix the TestC and TrenA into the same syringe and inject together or do you have to inject separately.

Yes, you can mix them into the same syringe.
I completed my second cycle of Test E 500mg every week. I want to try Test C and Tren A. I'm wondering if I should do 500mg of Test C and 250mg of Tren A. I keep hearing to do more Tren then Test to reduce the sides, but I'm haven't heard of any results from the people doing it that way. Curious on how many injections of Tren A to do a week. Why cant you spread the tren into 2 injections a week like the test? I usually rotate it from my arms to quads. So i'm nervous of running out of injection sites. Dont really want to inject in my ass, rather do my stomach if I have too. Still have to research more on PCT, just want to get the Tren and test information out of the way. Dont really have any set goals for weight or anything just trying to increase.

keep it test 300 a week tren A 75 eod and just go by feel i got up to 200 eod it was good for me.