Age: 31
Weight: 178Lbs
Height: 5'8" small frame
Training Since: 23
Bf: approx 13-15%
Goal: 170-175lbs @ >10% bf
Hi everyone, first time poster long time reader. I've been training for 8 years and have had solid results until it seems I hit my natural genetic weight of 163lbs with proper diet and work. No matter what I do I cant seem to get past that plateau.
The last bulking phase I did was with over the counter supplements and it seems that the majority of my gains came in the form of increased sugar levels which ultimately turned to fat which is why im sitting at 178lbs. Instead of cutting back down and trying another bulking phase I am planning on running my first cycle before cutting down. Would my present BF be ok to run my first cycle?
This is my plan and what I have in my possession right now, but it can be altered because Ive read so much about running Test only for first cycle. Test C, Dbol, Nolvadex & HCG
weeks 1-10 or 12 - 500mg test c/week
weeks 1-4 - Dbol @ 20-40mg/day
post cycle therapy (pct) is where im confused because I hear so much controversy on this subject. What Ive been told and what i read seem to be two different things at times.
What Ive been told is that i can keep the Nolvadex incase I experience signs of Gyno then run roughly 20-40mg/day until it clears up. The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is all i need for post cycle therapy (pct) @ 2 Injections 2500 each? BAD ADVICE?
Then I read that I should use the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) before my post cycle therapy (pct) roughly 2 weeks after last inject of Test C and run the Nolva and get some Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct).
Can you guys help me please? Is what I have enough?
on hand I have 3 bottles Test C @ 10ml 250mg/ml, 200 tablets of 10mg Dbol, 50 Capsules 20mg each Nolvadex and 5000I.U Pregnyl.
Should I be getting a hold of some Aromasin (during and post cycle therapy (pct)) and CLomid post cycle therapy (pct)? Id prefer to not run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during the cycle due to I cant keep it refrigerated @ work due to remote locations.
All advice will be appreciated, thanks in advance.
Weight: 178Lbs
Height: 5'8" small frame
Training Since: 23
Bf: approx 13-15%
Goal: 170-175lbs @ >10% bf
Hi everyone, first time poster long time reader. I've been training for 8 years and have had solid results until it seems I hit my natural genetic weight of 163lbs with proper diet and work. No matter what I do I cant seem to get past that plateau.
The last bulking phase I did was with over the counter supplements and it seems that the majority of my gains came in the form of increased sugar levels which ultimately turned to fat which is why im sitting at 178lbs. Instead of cutting back down and trying another bulking phase I am planning on running my first cycle before cutting down. Would my present BF be ok to run my first cycle?
This is my plan and what I have in my possession right now, but it can be altered because Ive read so much about running Test only for first cycle. Test C, Dbol, Nolvadex & HCG
weeks 1-10 or 12 - 500mg test c/week
weeks 1-4 - Dbol @ 20-40mg/day
post cycle therapy (pct) is where im confused because I hear so much controversy on this subject. What Ive been told and what i read seem to be two different things at times.
What Ive been told is that i can keep the Nolvadex incase I experience signs of Gyno then run roughly 20-40mg/day until it clears up. The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is all i need for post cycle therapy (pct) @ 2 Injections 2500 each? BAD ADVICE?
Then I read that I should use the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) before my post cycle therapy (pct) roughly 2 weeks after last inject of Test C and run the Nolva and get some Clomid for post cycle therapy (pct).
Can you guys help me please? Is what I have enough?
on hand I have 3 bottles Test C @ 10ml 250mg/ml, 200 tablets of 10mg Dbol, 50 Capsules 20mg each Nolvadex and 5000I.U Pregnyl.
Should I be getting a hold of some Aromasin (during and post cycle therapy (pct)) and CLomid post cycle therapy (pct)? Id prefer to not run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during the cycle due to I cant keep it refrigerated @ work due to remote locations.
All advice will be appreciated, thanks in advance.