Test comparison. American Watson test vs random UGL online


New member
So I was just curious. I have been on trt for a month now, and how much better is test from Walgreens vs what is typical for ugl. This may seem a stupid question so let me break It down a little more. Is test that comes from quality ugl typically underdosed? Is there quality measures in the hormone itself? I do understand that the test I am on(Watson), has a lot more quality standards. This is a huge plus but is there other factors? Could 200mg =350mg from a ugl because a initial source cuts it somehow?

Just wondering
Pharma means you're getting exactly what the label states. UGL can be under or overdosed, it depends mostly on the raw materials they acquire. The fact that many materials come from China also leads many to believe that there are greater levels of contaminants as well, such as mercury.

I personally believe that when you find a good lab, they can be interchangeable with pharmacy stuff - as long as you know where the gear puts you level-wise. CVS stuff is cheap though, so I can't see buying UGL to save money.

My .02c :)
Thanks. The reason of this post is I have ran a cycle of prop for twelve weeks. Two years later I'm on trt and I feel insane pumps off a low dose.
Thanks. The reason of this post is I have ran a cycle of prop for twelve weeks. Two years later I'm on trt and I feel insane pumps off a low dose.

There's a good possibility that the prop was lower dosed, or you have reawakened muscle fibers by maintaining a good test level. You may have lost body fat since then (lower mass means higher concentration per volume), or could have changed your diet - affording greater vasodilation.

It's one of the many reasons why I get a blood test 4 weeks in on every blast, and a couple weeks before my doc visit if using UGL gear. I like to know for certain where I'm at.