Is this a good start point of understanding?


New member
This is more out of curiosity than anything. About as far as I have ever looked was UGL and seeing equipment lists. A post in the TRT subforum sent me off to see what I could find.

Found some "credible source" hints and signs they may be a petty dealers or BS. Read discussions about people's sources but they didn't list them specidically. Times batches were bad or sources send crap. Seems simple enough but by one writter sources under 100g may be less than desirable / middlemen so that's basically a point I stick to. Also requesting a sample. Honestly I was floored. It wasn't nearly as hard or as expensive as I believed. The entire initial investment is a fraction of what I thought. Basically 100g Test cyp would be the raw. I don't know about long term storage but freezer with moisture and oxygen absorbers, vacuum sealed would be a guess. At 200mg a week that's forever.

There are glass set ups shared here I seen 250 mL set up with .2 filter that seem sufficient.

Ingredients via online calc 250mg/ml. .909 displacement weight/factor input as listed below the calc.

100 RAW
233ml oil
4BA 1%
72BB 18%

Tcyp: 208-215f melting point

First things first run a melting point test on raw
Prefilter oil with .45 to clean it up
Mix ingredients and dissolve possibly letting it cool slightly
Big rig fill vials as clean as possible. Point inserted for venting. Presterilized vials. Id use gloves and a still air box from mushroom culture.

Being on TRT and a big IF in the future I could just mix my first batch at 200mg and see what the next labs say.

This took a week of research. Hardly in depth.