Test Cyp cycle confusion please help


New member
I'm new to this dont have much knowledge, but how does this cycle look, the problem is i dont get half of the things in india
Yes add 45 lbs to everything, someone gave me this cycle, but the problem i dont get anything in india
1-12 test cyp 350 mg week

1-14 aromasin 12.5 mg eod

1-14 GW-501516 20 mg day

1-12 s4 50 mg day

1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day

1-4 dmzane 2 caps a day

1-12 n2guard

5-12 HCGenerate

13-14 Hcg 1000 ius week

9-14 oxandrovar 2 caps a day first 3 weeks then bump to 3 caps a day

PCT 15-18

clomid 50/50/25/25

nolva 40/20/20/20

aromasin 12..5 mg eod


ostarine 25 mg day