Test Cyp, Deca, Var, HGH cycle


New member
hey guys,
Ive been off for 6 months now and have been itching to start another cycle. My next cycle is going to be a 20 week cycle, being my third cycle. I just wanted your thoughts and how I could possible tweek my cycle to better my gains and prevent crashing during PCT.

Week 1-20 -- Test Cyp 500mg per week
Week 1-20 -- Deca 500mg per week
Week 8-16 -- Var 60mg ED
Week 1-20 -- Serostim HGH 4iu ED
Week 1-20 -- Aromasin 25mg ED
Week 1-20 -- HCG 500iu per week

PCT - 3 weeks after last shot
week 1 - 100mg clomid/40mg Nolva ED
week 2 - 100mg clomid/40mg Nolva ED
week 3 - 50mg clomid/20mg Nolva ED
week 4 - 50mg clomid/20mg Nolva ED
week 5 - 20mg Nolva ED
Run test 2 weeks longer than deca. Aromasin dose may be a little high with that test dosage. Hgh needs to be run longer to see the full effects. You need a dopamine agonist at least on hand. NAC for liver support would be a good idea also
Im with everyone else here, you'll have a huge crash if you just stop all at once..
Also the HGH id run even after you finish the cycle.. just a preference but completely up to you :)
Yeah some crashing is just inevitable with Deca. All that water will come out and that's just the nature of it. One sound approach to coming off HGH is using a 3month cycle of peptides CJC-1295 and GHRP-6 or something similar. Helps to not lose much when coming off AAS too.