test cyp ,eq, anadrol, ghrp-6


New member
guys its been 4 weeks on my bulking cycle,
currently weighing 130 pounds need to gain some serious mass thats why wanted to add ghrp -6 into the cycle,
planning to take
eq- 500mgs a week
test cyp-500mgs a week
50mgs of anadrol a day
guys suggest me dosage of ghrp-6
i workout in the morning.
guys its been 4 weeks on my bulking cycle,
currently weighing 130 pounds need to gain some serious mass thats why wanted to add ghrp -6 into the cycle,
planning to take
eq- 500mgs a week
test cyp-500mgs a week
50mgs of anadrol a day
guys suggest me dosage of ghrp-6
i workout in the morning.

ghrp-6 is NOT a serious mass builder. it will cause your pituitary to pulse a bit more natty growth hormone (which itself is not even anabolic). You will however get an increase in appetite from it being it also stimulates the hunger hormone Ghrelin, so this will allow you to eat more and thus get more calories in to help you grow . But nothing in and of ghrp itself puts on mass or is even anabolic.

I personally use Ghrp as an amplifier of my HGH use,, so i use it to get a natty pulse and elevate my natty GH blood serum levels, and when those natty levels are elevated, I then inject actual growth hormone itself to amplify and significantly spike my levels.

300mcg of ghrp a day split up into 3 separate injections is fairly common protocol
130lbs? Is that a typo? Can you list your full stats? At that weight, I would have to assume your not eating anything at whatever height you are. Steroids aren't magic and they don't replace food or a poor diet. You must eat to grow. Plain and simple...
Damn Hopefully you will come back on here.

Please list your stats s asked. Something sounds wrong as to why you are so, so light. But ya know I was 135lbs at 5'11" but that was in 78' and I was 27years old. I brought my weight up by force feeding and training to 165lb only . NO AAS /gear and put on 30 lbs.

What's your story here , please ?
He's 22 or 23, 5'10.

You need to stop playing with AAS and pick up a fork. You don't need steroids you need food.

Based on previous posts you've cycled before and kept exactly zero gains. Stop. Now.
OP get your blood work done and get a hormone panel . you may have a deficiency or some kind or low testosterone levels, which can make it very hard to put on weight. when I had low T , i only weighed 147 pounds at a height of just under 5'10" (i did do long distance cardio sports so that was a reason for the light weight as well), But once I got on TRT, and learned how to eat I put on a lot of weight. I'm now 200 pounds, thats over 1/3 my original body weight in muscle mass gained.
Roush & the boys are right... food, lift, sleep, repeat!
Bloodwork is critical! Go to PrivateMDlabs.com, purchase a hormone test titled "HORMONE PANEL FOR FEMALES". Yep, for females (guys take it too)... then report back here with results & you will get a better response on what/where to focus your valuable time & effort to maximize your gains!!
You will not regret getting this test.
AND, definitely get it done before you consume ANY kind of steroid or PED (performance enhancing drug)!
Good luck!