test/dbol/tren any thoughts?


New member
Test enth 500 week 1-15
Dbol or superdrol 30mg week 1-5
Tren enth 200 week 6-14
Proviron 25-50mg week 1-15
HCG 250iu EOD week 15-17
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Clomid 100/50/50
Bromocriptine 2.5mg for prolactin sides if needed.
Trying for a lean bulk this go round, any input is appreciated.
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Have you ever run tren before? If not, you might want to go with trenA. If you are going with trenE then you will want to start it sooner since it will take weeks to kick in.
Did 10wks of tren e 4 months ago. Had great results at 200mg by itself. Had to stop due to intense tendinitis in both shoulders. What would you add to pct? Don't want to run clomid as it has the possibility to suppress from what I've read. Thought proviron worked as an ai? Bromocriptine being a dopamine agonist would work for prolactin sides? What's diff between that and Prami?
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Weird ass cycle man. Did u say you've ran tren e for a cycle by itself? U probably should go back to the basics and do a beginner test only cycle. Learn about ai's and pct. U got tren figured all wrong...
I knew doing the term without test wasn't the best idea,but I did it anyway. Had great results and the only side was lethargy the last two weeks. All I have access to is nolva, proviron, as far as any sort of ai goes. How does this sound?
Test e 500 week 1-15
Dbol 20-40mg week 1-5 and 11-15
Proviron 25-50mg week 1-16
Nolva 10-40mg as needed through cycle
PCT: HCG 2000iu per week 15-17
Nolva 40/40/20/20/10
It was my understanding that nolva and clomid were basically the same but nolva being a stronger E2 blocker.
And thank you for the advice guys.
Will a dopamine agonist help with progesterone if not then I'll just sell the tren
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Nolva and proviron are not ai's. Nolva and Clomid are not the same thing. U got a lot to learn about before starting another cycle...
2nd paragraph
2nd paragraph
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If anyone else has any experience with running these compounds together please chime in with your experience. Thank all of you for the help.
Clomid helps you kickstart your natural production nolva is only used as anti e in pct Haus, and another flag that pops out to me is besides not starting Tren when you start test which you should why are you running dbol and clen at same time ? I would choose one or the other maybe a more versed member will chime in. Rule #1 have everything you need/might need before you start gl bro
I agree ^ why clen and dbol., you cutting or bulking. And you really should run the test and tren right from week 1, they're both the same ester.
I decided to drop the clen. Still have some clomid from last cycle will run it during pct. Really leaning towards superdrol instead of dbol. Anyone ever used SD vs dbol?