Test & Deca cycle critique plz


New member
Whats goin on everyone!

This will be my second cycle, while i may not be doing this right away, i want to start getting everything i need together and make sure my game plan is right on point.
My first cycle consisted of a Test only (500mg) cycle, with dbol as a kick starter. Absolutely friggin LOVED it. Just felt so GOOD while I was on!! Pinning was a breeze and I pretty much never felt any PIP afterwards(shot in glutes). Gained about 25lbs off of it however shortly after coming off, I injured my shoulder and then injured my neck. After about a month and a half of consistant physiotherapy, i was back to about 85% again, but i lost significant strength and mass :(

CUrrently i'm 5"9, 175lbs, 14% bodyfat. I'm 31 years old and have been regularly training for ~5 years now.

My Cycle that i want to go on is as follows:

week 1-5 : Dbol - 60mg/week (i seem to handle dbol quite well)
week 1-16: T300 - 600mg/week (300 mg shot 2x/week)
week 1-14: Deca - 400mg/week (200 mg shot 2x/week)
Adex will be taken at 0.25mg eod at first and bumped to 0.5 if necessary.
I will also have Prami on hand.

pct will start 2 weeks after last test injection.
PCT: this is where i'm not 100% sure
Either it will be clomid - 50/50/50/50
nolva - 40/40/20/20

but some people say to front load more clomid so it should look like this: 100/100/50/50
I just don't want to take more clomid than i need to and i was wondering if someone experienced would give me a better sense of direction with my PCT.

HCG is also hard to come by, atleast for me so I may not be 100% sure I can get my hands on some...

Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated! Can't wait to do this lol
If you can't get hcg, I wouldn't do this cycle. It's completely unnecessary. Hcg should be run during cycle injected twice a week e4d. At the end of your cycle you'll also want to blast hcg for 10 days before post cycle therapy (pct) at 500iu per day.

post cycle therapy (pct): clomid 100, 50, 50, 25
nolva 40, 40, 20, 20

This is my opinion but I would just do another cycle like your first one.