Test+deca+tren! how's it look?


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Hey fellas, I'm back. Been a long rough road the last year and it's taken its toll on training for sure. But I've wen back training again and here's the latest cycle.

5'11" 210 12% BF
Been training on and off for ten years.
Third cycle
Goals are a to make good mass gains while not looking like a balloon. Haha. Because I'll be doing a natty cut once this cycle ends. As I train for my next endeavor.

This is gonna be a big one! I'm pumped...

50mg ED dbol wk1-4
50mg ED winstrol wk5-8
600mg test e/wk
450mg deca/wk
200mg tren hex/wk
50mg ED anavar wk11-14

Test prop 125mg EOD

3 days after last pin start pct
6wks clomid 50/50/50/50/50/50
6wks nolva 40/40/40/20/20/20

I have adex on hand but being but usually don't need it. I'm almost 4 weeks in and still no sides other than a touch of back acne. Little bloat. But strength is way up and I'm getting wide again.
I'm seriously considering some caber or prami but I don't have the resources now. If shit gets hairy with the deca and tren together ill just drop the tren. But I think it'll be fine. Never had sides from anything and always Horny as hell when cycling. The more the better!!!
Wow... Click the link at the top with the red lion. Sounds a lil reckless. Did u get bloodwork?
Use the tren to kick or don't use it. Deca takes a good 5 weeks to build up in your system so you'll be fine kick starting with the tren, but if you finish with it you're stacking the 2 strongest nors at the same time. That's hard to deal with. You'll definitely need prami or caber if you follow through with that plan.
Wow dude how many things you taking? Sounds like your trying to kill yourself easy on all the compounds and you have ai on hand and your not using it you dont sound very responsible
Easy easy. I have no issue with responsibility. And it's not a matter of whether or not to use an AI. Some people neednit some don't. I have never had an issue with high E or neg sides from high test. Everyone different man. I know my body. I know how I respond to test and orals.

I've had no issues with 12 weeks at 700mg test e a week dbol and anavar with only 12.5mg aromasin a week and had full recovery after 4 wks pct. blood panel a week after pct.
Most likely I'm not doin the winstrol. I'll be giving to a buddy who needs an oral. But I'll be sticking with the anavar at the end. It's a favorite of mine. Don't put so much stock into the whole liver toxicity of orals man. I've never had an issue.

It's all about knowing your body and your reactions. And 200mg a week of tren isn't exactly a ridiculous amount to add to my current cycle. I ordered the caber today because it didn't sit right with me to not have it. Thank u for reading. RESt assured I'm neither naive nor irresponsible.

I've got close working relations with some of the best physicians in the country and I haven't an issue listening to u guys and adjusting based on your experienced recommendations. I don't see this cycle to be "over the top" by any means. Aside from the two nor-19 compounds together. Again thanks for your input.
Correct. Third cycle.
Do you believe that a moderate test deca cycle with a modest dose of tren is out of the question for someone with a couple cycles under the belt, the correct AI/ancillaries, a decent knowledge base, a plethora of medical professionals, and a hell if a group of guys here at ology to talk to?

Yes there are those that believe more is...more. And to get big or have a good cycle ya need 14 different compounds for 20 weeks and those same people that don't know how to train or eat or even rest end up either fat, broken, and or with permanent damage to their bodies and hormones.

Lest we forget that often guys run cycles like these as a FIRST CYCLE and come away with good results and make a full recovery. Luck/chance? Maybe. Smart? No.

This is my first real hard cycle...yes. But we all start somewhere brother.
I've done it right, and eased into it. And let my body show me how it handles the hormone changes. I'm ready.

And if you disagree, I am open to helpful and logical advice. Afterall that's why I come here. Thanks for reading.
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Why not do just test/tren then? Deca pretty much holds water and tren gives u lean gains. Plus 100mgs of tren a week isn't really worth doing. Save it for next time...
I hear ya. I was shooting for 200 maybe 300 a week tren. But what I want to know is if your recommending against it because it's not a good cycle, it's just a bit too heavy, or I may not have enough cycle experience yet? Or is it just a crap cycle? Haha
I'm stuck with the deca because I'm running decatest350 which is 200mg/ml test e and 150mg/ml nandrolone decanoate. So that's the base of the cycle this time. But I may perhaps consider saving the tren for a test prop run.
To be honest I got so many freebie vials of tren hex from OP THEYRE JUST SITTING HERE. haha.
Yea just shelf the tren for the next go. I think its a shitty cycle. U might end up breast feeding over night with two 19-nors.