Test doseages curiosity. . .


New member
I was curious, first of all, what most of you use in dosages for test?

Now, i hear a lot of low dose useage advice on here, like 500mg/wk enanthate. Now if 7/10ths is test and the rest is the ester, your only gettin 350mg of test. Dave Polumbo wrote that a natural athlete produces the range of about 250mg. That would mean you only have an extra 100mg per week floatin around in there, which cant be very beneficial. What do you think?
Well bro that is very interesting stat you pulled up from Dave, but I dunno know what is a solid test doseage. I guess it all depends, some people react on low test and some respond well on a high dose for example 1 gram of test compared to 250mg/wk or 500mg/wk. I will bump for more anwsers
I don't know where Polumbo gets his info, but no one except a genetic freak will produce 250mg naturally. Most people will be below 100mg WK.

As for effective dose, it all depends. I don't see significant gains below 1,000mg.
slobberknocker said:
You really can't grow on less than a gram of test? What happened the last time you tried?

I am trying right now, and I am up only 8 lbs after 7 weeks. That is on 500 test + 400 EQ. I have done 800mg test by itself and I got some decent gains, but that was on my first real cycle. Since then, I have gotten much better results when I run at least 1g.
Palumbo is a VERY knowledgeable guys, but he is WAY off on that one. The average healthy male produces anywhere between 6-11mgs of Test per day. This can be verified by any Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) doctor.
xtinct said:
I am trying right now, and I am up only 8 lbs after 7 weeks. That is on 500 test + 400 EQ. I have done 800mg test by itself and I got some decent gains, but that was on my first real cycle. Since then, I have gotten much better results when I run at least 1g.

If you're bulking and you're unhappy with your gains so far, the problem is more likely to be your diet than your dosage. How many calories are you taking in?

I'm at the point where I have to force feed myself 7-8k cals in order to gain size, no matter what my test dosage is.
I use a gram per week. Personally I understand the desire for being conservative, but there is no way that people are getting the same or close to the same gains from 500 mgs. that they would get from a gram. I haven't experienced any unpleasant sides from upping the dosage and I doubt that many people would.
slobberknocker said:
I'm at the point where I have to force feed myself 7-8k cals in order to gain size, no matter what my test dosage is.

Maybe that is part of the problem. I hate to eat. But I really don't think that that is the only reason I have not seen great gains this time around. I am pretty confident that if I were running 1g test instead of the test/EQ combo, I would have made better gains. I am not trying to sound like a badass by saying that I use 1g, I honestly wish I could get good gains on less (if nothing else, it would be a lot less expensive), but I have tried it both ways, and in this case more really does seem to be better.
Don't get me wrong, I've been over a gram before. Hell, I'm over a gram right now. I'm just saying that sometimes I think people are a little too quick to point the finger of blame at their amps, instead of at their dinner plates.
I take test enth 500mg/wk, prop 100mg/ed, plus eq at 600mg/wk. If I go below 500mg/wk on test it is waste of money, at this point in my lifting career. So the math shows 1200mg test week. I will drop the prop next week and bump the enth to 750mg/wk. Dude I eat like a horse..no matter the amount of test I am on, my diet dictates my gains..ofcourse I also go out and party 1 night week, which screws up my diet immensly...I am going to dedicatethe the next 2 months to training and see what difference I can make by cutting all the "crap" out na dbeing anal about everything associated with training...hopefully my gf will survive the next two months...HA!!:chimney: