I was curious, first of all, what most of you use in dosages for test?
Now, i hear a lot of low dose useage advice on here, like 500mg/wk enanthate. Now if 7/10ths is test and the rest is the ester, your only gettin 350mg of test. Dave Polumbo wrote that a natural athlete produces the range of about 250mg. That would mean you only have an extra 100mg per week floatin around in there, which cant be very beneficial. What do you think?
Now, i hear a lot of low dose useage advice on here, like 500mg/wk enanthate. Now if 7/10ths is test and the rest is the ester, your only gettin 350mg of test. Dave Polumbo wrote that a natural athlete produces the range of about 250mg. That would mean you only have an extra 100mg per week floatin around in there, which cant be very beneficial. What do you think?