>>Test E<< 12 Week Cycle Progress/ Results

I'll be updating the results weekly in my original post. The section below is for asking questions/ suggestions/ discussion/ informal updates/ etc.
I will be following along. 1st cycle? Also your at a deficit now are you going to slowly lean into a slow bulk or straight up maintenance/cut. Looking forward to reading up on your progress.
Glad to see a relatively low dose test only cycle for once. Especially at your age and if this is your 1st cycle. Kudos on doing it responsibly and doing your research bro!

Hopefully Clomid works out well for you, everyone responds differently but personally will never do it again due to the sides. Interested to see your progression and results, good luck!
I'm increasing calories slowly. But still, I'm at a deficit and still seeing gains!

Hopefully by week 4 - 5 I'm back to maintenance, and then the fun starts :D