Hey guys,
So I am planning a 12 week Test E Dbol cycle, Dbol for 5 weeks at beginning as a kick, just trying to figure out a dosage for Dbol, never used it before. Stats:
Bench: 245lbs 3 sets of 10
Deadlift: 230lbs
Now this is going to be my second cycle, first was Sustanon (sust) 250 and anavar. Loved it, didnt have any problems what so ever. Now, Test e is going to be shot twice a week at 250mg monday/thursday. AS for the Dbol what do you guys think would be a decent dose for me, some have said 40mg others have said stay with 30mg others say just do 20mg. Oh I also take milk thistle and have arimidex on hand just in case. My post cycle therapy (pct) will be Nolva and Clomid. Please help me out, first time Dbol user and dont want to mess up the ol BP levels and dont want gyno, not a very big guy, but I am dedicated to the gym and diet is spot on. Please lemme know what you bros think, would help a lot!
Thanks guys,
So I am planning a 12 week Test E Dbol cycle, Dbol for 5 weeks at beginning as a kick, just trying to figure out a dosage for Dbol, never used it before. Stats:
Bench: 245lbs 3 sets of 10
Deadlift: 230lbs
Now this is going to be my second cycle, first was Sustanon (sust) 250 and anavar. Loved it, didnt have any problems what so ever. Now, Test e is going to be shot twice a week at 250mg monday/thursday. AS for the Dbol what do you guys think would be a decent dose for me, some have said 40mg others have said stay with 30mg others say just do 20mg. Oh I also take milk thistle and have arimidex on hand just in case. My post cycle therapy (pct) will be Nolva and Clomid. Please help me out, first time Dbol user and dont want to mess up the ol BP levels and dont want gyno, not a very big guy, but I am dedicated to the gym and diet is spot on. Please lemme know what you bros think, would help a lot!
Thanks guys,