Test e and deca cycle input


New member
I plan on doing the following cycle. Am a bit confused as to how much Hcg to use. So help with that also if you see something that you may think would be better feel free to let me know. It's a ten week cycle.

Test Enanth 250 per week.
Weeks 1-10 250 mg GP Deca250 per week
Weeks 1-6 40 mg GP Methan 10 per day
Weeks 1-10 .5 mg GP Anastrozole per day (continued for 10 days after cycle

Clomid 100/50/50/50
Novla 40/20/20/20
I would say to up the dosages a bit. 250 test a week? How old are u? ...u may be already producing close to that naturally.
Deca needs atleast 14 weeks. Your cycle is too short and the doses are too small. You would get more hiring a diet coach. I'm guessing you don't have enough gear. One bottle of each isn't a cycle.
I have more then a bottle of each. I'm just looking for input. I've only ever used test e. And need a bit of help moving on to deca and the use of Hcg. So any input is appreciated
whats your weight, height, training history, and projected nutritional plan?
Test E at 250mg TWICE per week (not once) - 14 weeks
Deca 400-600 mg a week - 14 weeks

Your Anastrozole at .5 mg every day is too high to start, you may crash your E2.. .25-.5 eod is a better starting point til u get bloods done several weeks in.

Hcg - 250iu twice per week- to put simply,, hcg is going to keep communication between your brain and balls alive and functioning while on cycle, this will help with testicular atrophy and will make your pct recovery easier
Test E at 250mg TWICE per week (not once) - 14 weeks
Deca 400-600 mg a week - 14 weeks

Your Anastrozole at .5 mg every day is too high to start, you may crash your E2.. .25-.5 eod is a better starting point til u get bloods done several weeks in.

Hcg - 250iu twice per week- to put simply,, hcg is going to keep communication between your brain and balls alive and functioning while on cycle, this will help with testicular atrophy and will make your pct recovery easier

Test should be ran atleast 2 weeks longer then deca. Gives deca time to clear somewhat before starting pct....
Hcg - 250iu twice per week- to put simply,, hcg is going to keep communication between your brain and balls alive and functioning while on cycle, this will help with testicular atrophy and will make your pct recovery easier

haha this made me laugh. but so very true. this is very important to have before running a cycle!
Test should be ran atleast 2 weeks longer then deca. Gives deca time to clear somewhat before starting pct....

Very good point.. I'm on TRT, and I forget that not everybody else is (so I can end a 14 week deca/test cycle at the same time,, but clearly I'm still taking test cause of the trt dose).
But yeah if not on trt def run the test past the deca
Maybe I'll stick with the straight test e cycle again. Pretty much the same and I'll use pretty much everything the same. Besides up the test to 500, (like I did on my last) except ill use Hcg this time. And keep with the clomid and nolva pct. my buddy had zone issues with his deca cycle stated as above, yet he had no Hcg or nolva