Test E and EQ 16 week cycle with pct


New member
What do you guys think about my cycle I plan to run? Let me know what you guys think , and if I should change anything up. thanks bros

5"11 180lbs
Test E and EQ Cycle
Test E- 16 weeks, 500mg/ week , Pin Wednesday 250mg and Sunday 250mg.
EQ- 14 weeks 500mg/week, Pin Wednesday 250mg and Sunday 250mg.
HCG- 1-16 weeks 500iu week, Pin Sunday 500iu
HCG- 500iu ed after last test e pin for 10 days leading up to 4 days before sarms.
Clomid- 50/50/50/50 ed
Nolva- 20/20/10/10/10/10 ed
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i would run the EQ at 600mg for 16

do the test for 16.5

i would also split up the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) pins 250uis every 3.5 days

lastly i would add some tbol 60mg ED 1-5 if you want a good kickstart but no bloat
I want to run the EQ soon. I'd like to know how your endurance and overall performance is from it so I hope you log this cycle. Best of luck to you!
You want to run EQ with another compound like test. Next just do a eq cycle. I have already ran a test and eq cycle before just a little lower doses and I was really happy with the eq, gave me an appite like no other and great endurance and recovery.
Hey I'm 200 ld 6'1 and 15% BF. I recently just got test e 300 mg and eq 300 mg but not shure how to run it cause its my second cycle. I also have test p 100 mg on hand would alright to add it in to the cycle?