Test E and stanazol as first cycle.


New member
Hi guys,
I have been doing some research and I've posted quite a few questions on here about the most discussed topic, first cycle.. Got great answers, and gained a lot of knowledge. Recently I was talking to a guy who did his first cycle, he told me to do the following cycle, this is just what I remember, not the exact numbers.. So here it goes.
Week 1-8 Test e 250mg, E3D
Week 1-4 Stanazol .20mg (.30mg, .40mg, .50mg till week 4)
Week 5-8 Stanazol @.50mg
Week 5-8 Clenbutrol .40mg

Week 9-10 HUG @ 200iu for 10 days
Week 9-10 nolvadex (forgot how much)
week 11-12 Nolvadex

This is a 8 week cycle.. I'm not sure sure the numbers though..

I was planning to do the following cycle

Week 1-12 test e 250mg Monday and Thursday
HCG @1000iu a week
Arimidex .25mg EOD starting day 2 of my cycle

Wait 2 weeks
Week 15 :75mg clomid ED & 40mg novladex ED
Week 16-18 :50mg clomid & 20mg novladex
600 MG nac daily
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Right off the bat, an 8 week cycle on Test E is a poorly conceived idea. You would need a short ester for a short cycle.

What do you think of your buddy's cycle? You have been hanging around here since November. What else would you suggest he change if that is his first cycle?
Hi guys,
I have been doing some research and I've posted quite a few questions on here about the most discussed topic, first cycle.. Got great answers, and gained a lot of knowledge. Recently I was talking to a guy who did his first cycle, he told me to do the following cycle, this is just what I remember, not the exact numbers.. So here it goes.
Week 1-8 Test e 250mg, E3D
Week 1-4 Stanazol .20mg (.30mg, .40mg, .50mg till week 4)
Week 5-8 Stanazol @.50mg
Week 5-8 Clenbutrol .40mg

Week 9-10 HUG @ 200iu for 10 days
Week 9-10 nolvadex (forgot how much)
week 11-12 Nolvadex

This is a 8 week cycle.. I'm not sure sure the numbers though..

I was planning to do the following cycle

Week 1-12 test e 250mg Monday and Thursday
HCG @1000iu a week
Arimidex .25mg EOD starting day 2 of my cycle

Wait 2 weeks
Week 15 :75mg clomid ED & 40mg novladex ED
Week 16-18 :50mg clomid & 20mg novladex
600 MG nac daily

If it is your first cycle, i would tweak your cycle and adjust it somewhat. My suggestion is keep the test e 250mg to every 4 days, you can even space the rimi to E3D, as for HCG, you don't really need it for a first cycle, I personally like HCG when I stack heavier compounds in my cycle, however if you are set on it, I would run 250iu's every 4 days the offset days of your test starting week 2-10 or week 2-finish. As for your PCT 10-14 days after your last shot you can do 100/100/50/50 for clomid and 40/40/20/20 nolvadex, each number in between / being for one week. You can even trim that to three weeks as your compound is not really heavy and youre probably young.
If it is your first cycle, i would tweak your cycle and adjust it somewhat. My suggestion is keep the test e 250mg to every 4 days, you can even space the rimi to E3D, as for HCG, you don't really need it for a first cycle, I personally like HCG when I stack heavier compounds in my cycle, however if you are set on it, I would run 250iu's every 4 days the offset days of your test starting week 2-10 or week 2-finish. As for your PCT 10-14 days after your last shot you can do 100/100/50/50 for clomid and 40/40/20/20 nolvadex, each number in between / being for one week. You can even trim that to three weeks as your compound is not really heavy and youre probably young.

Why wouldn't you recommend hCG during any HPTA suppressive cycle?

Starting PCT 10 days after twleve weeks of Test E is too soon.
If it is your first cycle, i would tweak your cycle and adjust it somewhat. My suggestion is keep the test e 250mg to every 4 days, you can even space the rimi to E3D, as for HCG, you don't really need it for a first cycle, I personally like HCG when I stack heavier compounds in my cycle, however if you are set on it, I would run 250iu's every 4 days the offset days of your test starting week 2-10 or week 2-finish. As for your PCT 10-14 days after your last shot you can do 100/100/50/50 for clomid and 40/40/20/20 nolvadex, each number in between / being for one week. You can even trim that to three weeks as your compound is not really heavy and youre probably young.

You really shouldn't be giving out advice till you learn yourself. You don't have the knowledge you should to be informing others on what to do.
Right off the bat, an 8 week cycle on Test E is a poorly conceived idea. You would need a short ester for a short cycle.

What do you think of your buddy's cycle? You have been hanging around here since November. What else would you suggest he change if that is his first cycle?

I think for a first cycle, it's a bit too much, but he's adamant on me doing that cycle, he himself has done a test p, tren, clen and winstrol cycle.. He said only test cycle won't make much of a difference. I'm sorry if I'm confused, the place where I come from people really don't have much knowledge, and you guys are pretty far away.. I hope you know what I mean.. I will probably stick around with test only cycle.. Do I need to make an changes?
I think for a first cycle, it's a bit too much, but he's adamant on me doing that cycle, he himself has done a test p, tren, clen and winstrol cycle.. He said only test cycle won't make much of a difference. I'm sorry if I'm confused, the place where I come from people really don't have much knowledge, and you guys are pretty far away.. I hope you know what I mean.. I will probably stick around with test only cycle.. Do I need to make an changes?

What do you think? I am asking your opinion. I have given you one thing to think about in regard to the ester and length of time that has been chosen by your buddy. How does it compare to they cycle(s) you have proposed in your other threads?

What do you think if using more than one AAS compound for your first cycle? Would you recommend that?

Is Winny a good choice for a new guy?

What do you think of his decision to not use an AI?

What do you think of his decision to not use hCG the entire cycle?

What do you think of the medications your friend is and is not using for PCT?

If you are ready to use AAS, you should be able to analyze your buddy's cycle at a basic level. If not, you should keep studying.
What do you think? I am asking your opinion. I have given you one thing to think about in regard to the ester and length of time that has been chosen by your buddy. How does it compare to they cycle(s) you have proposed in your other threads?

What do you think if using more than one AAS compound for your first cycle? Would you recommend that?

Is Winny a good choice for a new guy?

What do you think of his decision to not use an AI?

What do you think of his decision to not use hCG the entire cycle?

What do you think of the medications your friend is and is not using for PCT?

If you are ready to use AAS, you should be able to analyze your buddy's cycle at a basic level. If not, you should keep studying.

Test takes around 3 weeks to start working, so 8 weeks is a short time for a test cycle

Using more than one compound on my first cycle is not a food idea, test only cycle would be beneficial because I'll know how my body reacts to aas

I know winstrol is not a good option for a new guy like me

He told me to take hcg during pct because, natural test production will be off so taking hcg won't make any difference.. I guess I need to learn more about hcg.
Bad very bad first cycle. You are not ready and do not need at all Winstrol. It's a finishing drug and your body hasn't reached it's potential with AAS yet. You need to first learn how to train and eat on cycle. I see NO reason to use Winstrol at this time in anyone's BB career and AAS.

I like this idea.

Week 1-12 test e 250mg Monday and Thursday
HCG @1000iu a week
Arimidex .25mg EOD starting day 2 of my cycle

Wait 2 weeks
Week 15 :75mg clomid ED & 40mg novladex ED
Week 16-18 :50mg clomid & 20mg novladex
600 MG nac daily

Keep it simple. Get to know your body and the side potentials.

That's in essence what everyone is telling you. If you've been around and have been listening then this should be a NO brainer
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It's not that Winstrol is not good for beginners it's also because it is for a specific purpose.

Read more about the steroid profiles and listen to these guys.
Bad very bad first cycle. You are not ready and do not need at all Winstrol. It's a finishing drug and your body hasn't reached it's potential with AAS yet. You need to first learn how to train and eat on cycle. I see NO reason to use Winstrol at this time in anyone's BB career and AAS.

I like this idea.Week 1-12 test e 250mg Monday and Thursday
HCG @1000iu a week
Arimidex .25mg EOD starting day 2 of my cycle

Wait 2 weeks
Week 15 :75mg clomid ED & 40mg novladex ED
Week 16-18 :50mg clomid & 20mg novladex
600 MG nac daily

Keep it simple. Get to know your body and the side potentials.

That's in essence what everyone is telling you. If you've been around and have been listening then this should be a NO brainer

Exactly I didn't like the idea of adding clen, in my first cycle.. I was going to do a test only cycle, which I've posted.
Exactly I didn't like the idea of adding clen, in my first cycle.. I was going to do a test only cycle, which I've posted.

Just that you were in one moment saying you are ready to start your cycle and in the next moment you were entertaining running you buddy's cycle is concerning. It indicates that you are still very uncertain about what to do and why. I think it is really important to go into a cycle with confidence that you know what you are doing and you can manage the issues that may arise. We want you to be set up for success.
Just that you were in one moment saying you are ready to start your cycle and in the next moment you were entertaining running you buddy's cycle is concerning. It indicates that you are still very uncertain about what to do and why. I think it is really important to go into a cycle with confidence that you know what you are doing and you can manage the issues that may arise. We want you to be set up for success.

I never wanted to start the cycle which my friend suggested, I was very sure about my cycle.. I just wanted to confirm is he right or am I right, so that I can be a little more confident. As I said, I don't want to make any mistake, that's why I'm a sling you guys everything.. Smallest of details, I'll learn a bit more about hcg.. One more thing you guys have suggested that I bulk naturally till 175 lbs. So right now I'm doing that, 170 lbs as of yesterday.. I will cut after I reach 175,so I will lose weight so should I again bulk a little or start my cycle? And I hope I answers your questions correctly..
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I never wanted to start the cycle which my friend suggested, I was very sure about my cycle.. I just wanted to confirm is he right or am I right, so that I can be a little more confident. As I said, I don't want to make any mistake, that's why I'm a sling you guys everything.. Smallest of details, I'll learn a bit more about hcg.. One more thing you guys have suggested that I bulk naturally till 175 lbs. So right now I'm doing that, 170 lbs as of yesterday.. I will cut after I reach 175,so I will lose weight so should I again bulk a little or start my cycle? And I hope I answers your questions correctly..

I am about as far from a diet expert as you can possibly get, but my understanding is that it is helpful for you to stay at the new weight (e.g. 175 pounds) for a while so your body can get "used" to it. I would really encourage you to seek the advice of a diet coach that also has familiarity with AAS.