Test e and teen e 16 or 20 week cycle?

So I'm deciding to do a test e and tren e cycle that is at least 16 weeks long and up to 20 weeks if I will still make results anyway here is what I'm wanting to do test e 750 or 1,00 mg per week for 16 or 20 weeks and tren e at 600 mg per week for either 16 or 20 weeks. I'm going to be taking 1 mg of armidex everyday while doing this cycle. And before this cycle I'm going to take 500 mg of test e per week for 16 weeks while taking 1 mg of armidex everyday. I'm looking to cut fat while still building muscle so which would get the best results with? I'm thinking the 20 weeks on both test e and tren e at test e 1,000 mg per week with tren e at 600 mg per week running both for 20 weeks thoughts?
500mg of Test E e5d works out to approximately 750mg of Test/wk. at that level you PROBABLY won't need a full mg of adex ed. It will probably crash your E2. You'll need "some". On a Test E only cycle, I run 500mg e5d with .5mg of adex eod.

Remember that Tren is 5x more powerful than Test, and doesn't aromatize like Test does. Is this your first Tren cycle? If so, I have to warn you: Tren is a wicked mistress, and 600mg/wk might be to big a dose for you.

I'm going to ASSUME you've used Tren before, however. And offer this: that's a LOT of oil to be pushing into yourself each week and you might be better served by running a TRT (or slightly elevated) dosage of Test E and THEN use a higher dose of Tren. Both Test & Tren compete for the same receptors in your muscle cells, so you might want to reap the full benefits of the much more expensive Tren..

Just a few thoughts...
could we get some more info about you??

training history
cycle history
Nolvadex doesn't replace an ai. Probably why you were looking at using winny and all that. To the op, your very reckless on gear use. I don't know how you can come here and see if anybody will help you justify abusing gear. Completely insane bud...