Test E crash problems. Advice needed


Seasoned Vet
I made a big batch of test e 300. 2/18 ratio in grapeseed. I filtered it with a .22 bottle top.
The question I have is... what would cause just one of the bottles from the same batch crash?? I made 15 10mls bottles and one is crashed (very cloudy looking). What would cause this? Should I be concerned about the rest of the batch. They all look good now. This was made over a week ago and just noticed the one crashed.
In my opinion when making larger batches sometimes people rush it and don't evenly mix the hormone. With your one vial that's crashed I'm leaning towards an uneven mixture that's lead that vial to become more concentrated then you thought thus the crashing.

I'm no expert but that's my opinion. You can put it all back in one beaker and mix it real good on some heat and then filter again into vials. That might fix the problem. Bit of fvcking around tho.
Could that 1 vial have any moisture in it somehow. Moisture or a drop of water can cause cloudy results. Also you don't need any BB with testE300. Using grapeseed oil 10% can thin it out enough for a slin pin if using them. I would just throw that one vial away or save it to throw in your next batch before filtering.