Test E cycle: cutting first then bulking


New member
Hey guys,

I've been thinking about my 2nd cycle and had this in mind. I'm thinking of cutting at first and then bulking the rest of the way. The reason for this is because it will only be Test E, which i only start feeling it by week 4. Has anyone tried this?
Cut first 4-6 weeks
Bulk next 6-8 weeks
Test E at 500mg each week for either 12 or 14/15 weeks (not sure if any longer would help)

All the necessary AI and PCT meds will be there too, and i also have a doctor (who specializes in AAS) that will be monitoring my process through the cycle and after, making sure all my levels are stable.

Let me know what you think!
my next cycle will be a nice, calm Test E cycle, 500mg every 5 days....I'll be running it will be running it with ai for 14 weeks. I've done it before, and it works great!
It's too difficult to cut and bulk in the same cycle. Either cut before you start your cycle or cut when you start your cycle.
It's too difficult to cut and bulk in the same cycle. Either cut before you start your cycle or cut when you start your cycle.

You wrote "cut when you start your cycle", but right before you said it's too difficult to do both. Not too sure i understand here. Unless you meant to either do a bulk or cut, and not both.
You wrote "cut when you start your cycle", but right before you said it's too difficult to do both. Not too sure i understand here. Unless you meant to either do a bulk or cut, and not both.

He means it is hard to do both during a 12 week cycle. Pick one and stick with it the full length of the cycle.

The last part ia a typo. He meant to say (I think) cut before or after your cycle.
I would also plan your 3rd cycle... and let that determine your 2nd.

This would let you determine what you want to look like... "at what specific month of the year."

You might want to cut for this cycle so you're more trim for summer - then start a
bulk cycle mid summer so you don't start to start seeing unwanted weight until the
end of summer.

Or visa versa depending on what months your cycles will start and end.

I just find it best to plan two cycle out as best as possible so you have both a short and long term
goal and vision.

Keep us posted. :D
Keep in your mind. Everything about diet :) You can up calories and some gains after a bit down calories and gains will steady and not get fatty
pic..post a pic

or as indicated...just cycle andeat rightand there s no rason you cannot morph...maybenot gain a ton of weight and make huge size gains but change your over all look with this one...and then....

that s me though..I ll take a little less size orather than be a smooth bloated fkr
Also, build in some "soaking" time after a cutting or bulking cycle. Let your body get used to the new you and realize this is the default state. Otherwise it will still be fighting to get back to the state you initially started at. Let your new body style become the default your body wants to stay at, THEN go on to change it.
Thanks everyone for all the great advice! I'll stick to either cutting or bulking, and will also plan my 3rd cycle to help me decide!
your cycle doesn't decide your cut or bulk.. your diet does.. always remember that.. you can cut on deca just like you can bulk on it