Test E cycle suggestions


New member
This question is for a guy I know.
He's 47 5'10" 205 lbs and has done 4 cycles the past, the last one about 10-12yrs ago.

He going to take Test E. His goal is to gain a little size but more so to get a boost and look a little better.

He says he used to react well to small doses and is thinking 125mg/wk. (sounds like a waste to me...but thats why I'm askin..haha)

Being 47... do you have any suggestions on amount and length of cycle or just go 10 wks. Thanks
JackassRR said:
This question is for a guy I know.
He's 47 5'10" 205 lbs and has done 4 cycles the past, the last one about 10-12yrs ago.

He going to take Test E. His goal is to gain a little size but more so to get a boost and look a little better.

He says he used to react well to small doses and is thinking 125mg/wk. (sounds like a waste to me...but thats why I'm askin..haha)

Being 47... do you have any suggestions on amount and length of cycle or just go 10 wks. Thanks
Tell him to use 250mg/wk AT LEAST. 125mg is what his body made naturally when he was in his twenties. So it's nice, but not enough.
wayne and zeus said:
I would tell him to run 250/Every 5 days.

Make sure he has Nolva on hand.
cosigns. if he reacts well to this, then he can increase on his 2nd cycle.
roccodart440 said:
250mg a week? Isn't that too low of an amount?

You should tell your friend to get a profile on the site.

He's doesn't own a computer and he's not very good at using one.