Test e cycle symptoms and concerns


New member
Hey guys I had a few more concerns if yal could be so kind to help me out... I asked yal about my blood pressure and what not and yal gave me some great feed back but for the past two weeks I have felt great and eating all the time this is going on my third week third shot and I haven't had an appetite today I'm nervous as shit mostly cause my blood pressure was high but yal said it was okay. Do you think that it is all in my head and it's just anxiety or could the amount of test e at 625 be to much for a newbie? Maybe I should lower the dose.... And would taking anxiety meds like lexapro be safe I know it would help but I'm unsure to mix it with a cycle. Any knowledge would be much appreciated thanks.
Try l-arginine it lowered mine to the best it's ever been. 2000 mg ed was enough to lower mine. Some people need more some need less.
Okay thanks do u think my dosage has anything to do with the other symptoms? Anxiety, lack of appetite, headache or do you thing I'm just paranoid I've never done a cycle before so I really don't know if this is normal or not...
That bp is on the high side and would cause head aches I don't think it's the test raising ur bp but u could be super sensitive to it. I'm on bp meds for 15 years and even up to 2 g test a week no bp problems but everyone is different and I think lexpro is fine to take on cycle I don't like it cause it makes me feel like a zombie
Is the bp to the point where I need to seriously make the decision to stop the cycle all together and if so do I still need to take a pct since it's only been three weeks?
Last time I stopped a cycle because of BP issues I went into the doc cause it was 220/100 .
I can get it down to 110/60 when I'm off cycle.

You'll be fine, IMO ..your not that high. Drop your dose to 400 mg a week , start drinking beet root juice daily and some arginine .. Like I said in your other post, with a lot of guys this is just part of the game , if you wanna play you need to learn how to deal with sides

If your that concerned with 158/68 , then you probably shouldn't weight train either , cause your BP definitely spikes higher then that when your training
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You're fine dude, just overthinking this a little since it's your first time. No problems with lexapro on AS. If you don't have much appetite, just force the food in - that's what bulking really takes. Maybe smoke some weed in the evening if that helps you, unfortunately it makes me hungry but I eat all the wrong foods when I toke.
You can take anti anxiety med on cycle. I am on a few meds for bi-polar for years and no problems.

You say you didn't have an appetite TODAY ! Shit man you can judge thing in a day or 2.
Settle down man. Relax and as said if you are so scared then you shouldn't have started. Fvck man you blood pressure is FINE.

Just for the hell of it, if you loose your appetite for a week and loose your energy then that could be high Estrogen. NOW relax the anxiety could kill you appetite real quick.

Enough for a while kid. :Pat:

I experienced the same symptoms at the end of my long cycle. It was first cycle with test e for most of the weeks (and only sides i had were acne and bad lipid profiles etc.) but at the end I got on 20mg dbol and within a week felt really nervous and physically fatigued with lot of tension around the right carotid artery and weird pulsating/throbbing sensations in my quads/hams from time to time.

I had only a few weeks left in the cycle so I just pulled through it.

In hindsight I should have monitored my BP more carefully and frequently and at least donated some blood at some point.

My appetite was down the drain but I attributed it to 20mg Accutane I had to start for acne around the same time as the dbol. I also had one or two nights of lot of booze which was ill advised and smoked weed every night to increase appetite.