Test E Cycle


New member
Hey guys, first post here. Been creeping around these forums for a while, and thought I'd finally post my cycle.

Age: 23
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 195lbs
BF: 17-18%

Been training since high school, been lifting seriously for 4 years.
This will be my first cycle, I have a few PH cycles under my belt. Did three tren cycles (admittedly, not knowing what I was doing) back when you could buy it off the shelf. Been doing a ton of research the last 6 months or so and feel I’m ready for my first “done right” cycle. There are so many differing opinions on the net and in person, thought I would get some advice here.

Here is my proposed cycle:
1-12 Test E – 500mg/w (250mg Monday, 250mg Thursday)
1-12 Anastrozole (Arimidex)- .25mg EOD

14-18 Nolva – 40/40/20/20
14-18 Clomid – 50/50/50/50

Muilti, fish oil (4g/d), protein, green tea

I’m not big on counting calories. I eat clean, and I eat a lot. If you want a specific diet plan, I won’t have one. Most meals consist of chicken breast and sweet potatoes (my favorite meal), or steak and quinoa. Breakfast is a couple of whole eggs, and always double that of whites, as well as some oatmeal. Protein shakes throughout the day as needed. Broccoli or spinach with nearly every meal.

Build some more quality muscle. I know I’m a bit on the heavy side now, but I hope to do a clean bulk and try and shed some BF. That set aside, my main goal is to gain.

I was an idiot when I did those oral Tren cycles. I know for a fact that I did not do correct PCT.
1. Did my prior ignorance mess up my body and natural test levels? I feel ok, but not sure I am running at 100%.
2. Am I still to young? I feel like I’ve hit a wall, is it because of the prior screw up, or am I really just stuck?
3. Would this proposed cycle boost me back to where I should be, and help with more quality gains if PCT is done correctly, or will it just hinder my long-term progress?
4. I’m concerned about increasing LDL and decreasing HDL. Should I supplement to counter this?

Any questions/concerns/critiquing? Thanks a lot guys.
I can tell u did some research cycle looks good pct looks good.Only thing i can say is try to loose some bf before u cycle.I wont say nothing about your age im no ones daddy.Have fun
I can tell u did some research cycle looks good pct looks good.Only thing i can say is try to loose some bf before u cycle.I wont say nothing about your age im no ones daddy.Have fun

Thanks for the response. I hope to start the cycle in the next month or two, or however long it takes to shed a bit more BF.
I would say try and get to around 10%bf and about 30 yrs old before you cycle. Haha just kidding but a lot of people are gonna say you have plenty of natural test at your age, but serious about the bf %.
I would say try and get to around 10%bf and about 30 yrs old before you cycle. Haha just kidding but a lot of people are gonna say you have plenty of natural test at your age, but serious about the bf %.

Haha thanks man. I'll keep working on the BF. I'm not in a rush.
You are being smart about just running 500 mg of Test E with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle, kudos for that. Your BF is high, so diet, cardio, and hard work will get you down below 12% is what would be ideal...the more BF you have the higher risk of estrogen sides. Shorten your cycle to 10 weeks, if not 8...better recovery. If you are going to run it 12 weeks, get HCG to kickstart your PCT, and get what ever else you need to recover.
This is what I will do when I do my cycle in a few months...this is how you plan your cycle properly son...


1-10 Testosterone-E 250mg Twice a week Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday
1-10 N2guard 7 caps every day spread out (optional)
1-4 HCGenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (Highly recommended)
4-8 HCG 500ius Monday and Thursday (Highly recommended)
6-10 HCGenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (Must have!)
6-10 Aromasin 12.5mg every other day (highly recommended)
8-14 Need2slin 1 cap 3 times a day 30 mins before meals(optional)
10-16 Forma-Stanzol 5 pumps am and 5 pumps am for the first 4 weeks then taper down to 3 pumps am and pm for the last 2 weeks. (must have!)
10-14 Unleashed/Post Cycle Combo. 1 cap 3 times a day of each. Or at the very least Forged Post Cycle 2 caps am and 2 caps pm (Must have?)
12-16 NTBM-DAA (D aspartic acid) 1 full serving every day. (Highly recommended)
16-20 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day (highly recommended)
20-24 SARMs S-4 25mg twice a day or Osta/MK-2866 12.5 mg ED (optional)

I may add EQ into the mix, maybe a Dieselbolan kickstart, Epi finish, who knowa...still planning (take note!!!) but this is what I will do for my cycle that gee looks kind of like yours...maybe look at my post cycle therapy (pct) and mimic it if you have no other choice...PM me if you want to discuss further.

Take notes...this is safe and healthy cycling, minimize suppression, emphasis on cycle support and most IMPORTANT aspect of a cycle...post cycle therapy (pct)!!!
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I think BB is mostly right but I think I would hcg in between last pin and post cycle therapy (pct) about 10 days worth.
I dont think Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is necessary but at your age I wouldnt chance it. Using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) between your cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) will activate the Lydig cells in your testis. It is a great jump start to post cycle therapy (pct). I wouldnt do it any other way.
I dont think Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is necessary but at your age I wouldnt chance it. Using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) between your cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) will activate the Lydig cells in your testis. It is a great jump start to post cycle therapy (pct). I wouldnt do it any other way.

Alright, thanks. I'll pick some up.