Test E & Dbol Cycle results so far


New member
Week 4 & nearing the end of my Dbol kick start (20/20/30/30) Test E I've ran at 300mg ew except for week 4 I bumped it up to 450mg (1.5ml instead of 1ml)

Bench is up 28lbs, weight is up 15lbs.

Seems I'm prone to water retention but cardio for 30mins 2-3 times ew, sound nutrition & Adex has helped keep it at bay. Other than that the only side I've had is awesomeness!

Responded very well to these two compounds. Makes me wonder what I could do with something more potent like Tren...

Couldn't be happier with this cycle, my first one!

Anyway thought I'd share my results so far, cheers for reading. Strength and honour!
Cheers, will post an end result.

My AI is Arimidex 0.5mg eod or on standby my friend, started taking it from week 2.

I read the above guidelines/recommended link thank you.
... Well that told me! Lol!

0.5mg every 2 or 3 days since week 2 so far if you want the specifics matey, haha! I quite like having that flexibility and not taking anymore than necessary.

The cardio and nutrition has helped dry me out as well, but I feel it's a combination of the 3 that has helped me keep the bloating down while I continue to increase my lifts, which are at the moment going through the roof, feel unstoppable. Lol!

It's little to no concern anyway, I'm just used to a very tight midsection & have noticed the slight difference.
Ok making some fantastic gains now and really enjoying it, but equally looking forward to coming off so I can tone down the discipline and enjoy a drink or 2 over the new year.

Couldn't be eating any better if I tried! I have 6-8 meals a day my main sources are fish, red meat twice a week, turkey, chicken, brown rice, quinoa, sweet potato, tonnes of veg, 5 pieces of fruit a day, smoothies - my own secret concoction, juicing raw organic veg, nuts, olive oil, yogurt, cheese, peanut butter, etc. etc. I cyclone bar a day! 5g of micronized creapure creatine, fish oils omega 3,6 and 9. Glucosamine. Basically anything that's good for muscle growth, you name it, I'm eating it! Haha!

Sleeping 7-8 hours a night (optimum for me)

Approaching week 6 at 450mg Test E finished Dbol 'kickstart' but bench is continuing to fly up, got some unbelievable development coming through. Used shirts and mirrors to monitor progress, going to need a whole new wardrobe. Thigh mass is ridiculous, monitoring health, bp, etc. Covering every angle!

In the future I've decided I'll only run short cycles with fast acting esters. But this couldn't be going any better. I'm making better progress of this dose than my training partner is of a gram! Goes to show how you still need to keep on top of everything else eh?!

Strength and honour!