you should have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand just in case you need it. im on just test e and im taking 12.5mg of aromasin ED cause i had high estro in my baseline blood work. also i have slight gyno symptoms, slight puffyness and itchyness but not that bad at all and seems to be under control with the aromasin at that dose.
i would up the test to 500 a week and the dbol to 40mg. i would just run test tho as my first so you know how you react to it. i would get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and have it on hand for your cycle and use it for post cycle therapy (pct). i ran only nolva as a post cycle therapy (pct) after my PH cycle last year and it did nothing to keep estro levels down after the cycle was over. thats why i had high estro in my baseline blood work. i also had acne after the cycle and i have less now ON my test cycle since im using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). my post cycle therapy (pct) is going to be clomid nolva and aromasin this time. also im running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2x a week 250ui on cycle.
btw im on my 6th week and im up about 13 - 14lbs. i havent made good progress this week since i got sick. been tryin to eat as much as i can tho but havent been able to workout since i have 0 energy.