Test e/ dbol first cycle


New member
First timer here. Researching over a year now. I'm 5'8 170 lbs. Been working out since 18, on and off I'm now 23. I'm running test E @ 250 mg/wk and dbol 20 mg/day I have nolvadex ready for my post cycle therapy (pct). Eating as clean as I can. LOTS of chicken. Protein shakes oatmeal. All I have is nolvadex for post cycle therapy (pct) do you think I should still take the dbols without anything to counteract it if need be during the cycle?
Hey bro its my first too , im doing Deca/Test.E. And its been 8 weeks on just test .c. and now im on test.e. / deca, 1cc of test, an 1/2 cc od deca. But once a week right now. Ill see what happen first befor move up. But hey man lets chat a lil got email.
Have you seen a lot of progress on that cycle? And how long do you plan on running it?

Does anyone see an issue with me not running an anti aromitase with dianabol? If so maybe I'll just run a weak ass cycle of test e only
Have you seen a lot of progress on that cycle? And how long do you plan on running it?

Does anyone see an issue with me not running an anti aromitase with dianabol? If so maybe I'll just run a weak ass cycle of test e only

you should have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand just in case you need it. im on just test e and im taking 12.5mg of aromasin ED cause i had high estro in my baseline blood work. also i have slight gyno symptoms, slight puffyness and itchyness but not that bad at all and seems to be under control with the aromasin at that dose.

i would up the test to 500 a week and the dbol to 40mg. i would just run test tho as my first so you know how you react to it. i would get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and have it on hand for your cycle and use it for post cycle therapy (pct). i ran only nolva as a post cycle therapy (pct) after my PH cycle last year and it did nothing to keep estro levels down after the cycle was over. thats why i had high estro in my baseline blood work. i also had acne after the cycle and i have less now ON my test cycle since im using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). my post cycle therapy (pct) is going to be clomid nolva and aromasin this time. also im running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2x a week 250ui on cycle.

btw im on my 6th week and im up about 13 - 14lbs. i havent made good progress this week since i got sick. been tryin to eat as much as i can tho but havent been able to workout since i have 0 energy.
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you should have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on hand just in case you need it. im on just test e and im taking 12.5mg of aromasin ED cause i had high estro in my baseline blood work. also i have slight gyno symptoms, slight puffyness and itchyness but not that bad at all and seems to be under control with the aromasin at that dose.

i would up the test to 500 a week and the dbol to 40mg. i would just run test tho as my first so you know how you react to it. i would get an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and have it on hand for your cycle and use it for post cycle therapy (pct). i ran only nolva as a post cycle therapy (pct) after my PH cycle last year and it did nothing to keep estro levels down after the cycle was over. thats why i had high estro in my baseline blood work. i also had acne after the cycle and i have less now ON my test cycle since im using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). my post cycle therapy (pct) is going to be clomid nolva and aromasin this time. also im running Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2x a week 250ui on cycle.

btw im on my 6th week and im up about 13 - 14lbs. i havent made good progress this week since i got sick. been tryin to eat as much as i can tho but havent been able to workout since i have 0 energy.

Thanks a lot fr the feedback I really appreciate it.. Can you pm me any reliable online sources for a good AI?
Btw congrats on your progress bro. 14 pounds must be real noticeable. I'm sure everyone arous you notices. Thank for your help and good luck with the rest of your cycle.
One more thing... I injected in the right quad yesterday and it is absolutely killing me(which isn't good for my job) what can I expect going forward with injections?
Thanks a lot fr the feedback I really appreciate it.. Can you pm me any reliable online sources for a good AI?
Btw congrats on your progress bro. 14 pounds must be real noticeable. I'm sure everyone arous you notices. Thank for your help and good luck with the rest of your cycle.
One more thing... I injected in the right quad yesterday and it is absolutely killing me(which isn't good for my job) what can I expect going forward with injections?

Id go with percision peptides cause there prices are good and they ship fast. i have been running GP aromasin but im almost out and i ordered from PP and got it pretty fast. yeah i saw my mom today and she was like whoa your getting big!! lol.

as for the shots... it will get better. first time you pin that muscle its going to be alot more sore but after that its gets better. now im only sore for like 2 days after but its not even that bad. i pin monday morning and thursday night. the monday pin is better cause im using that muscle all day but the thursday night i sleep not long after i pin and its a lil more sore but still not bad. also heating the oil up a lil before you pin helps. if i could i would pin right before i workout and work that muscle that i just pinned but i cant till i get home cause i workout at the gym at my office and i cant pin there. also get some Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if you can. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is easy as hell to take too. i just use a 29 gauge 1/2" syringe that ppl use for insulin shots and do subQ next to my belly button. almost painless too.
I thought aromasin was in pill form?

it is... the GP aromasin i have are pills. the Precision peptides one i got is liquid aka research chem. its just aromasin in a solution. take it by using a oral syringe and measure how much you want to take and squirt it into your mouth. you can get it much faster and cheaper than ordering the pills from overseas. i prefer pills but i needed something quick cause i was running out. wasnt planning on taking this much on cycle but now i know how i react to test.
Just got some aromasin. GP wont let me place an order do you know why that is?

Leg is feeling much better. I had no idea it would be so intense. Next injection I'm gonna go for the delts. Smaller gauge too.
I'm at about 180 on week 4. Some fat because I've been eating like an animal. Strength is slowly going up, I'm pretty sure the dbols I got are garbage. I'm hoping I see some real improvements by week 8 or 9 with the test. I'm still extremely confused about this aromasin I got.. It has a metal cap on it and it feels weird drinking something that came in a vial lol