test e / deca cycle - bulk cycle


New member
Height - 5'9
Weight 165

Cycle history - 3 cycles
1. Test 500 x week /deca 400 x week 12 weeks (high school) I know I know...stupid
2.test 500mg x week x 12 weeks/ dbol 4 weeks
3.test 500mg x week x 12 weeks/ tbol 4 weeks

The last one has been the only recent cycle. I had a problem with alcohol and drugs ( 1.5 years sober ) and that simple cycle put on 20 lbs and helped me find a new passion that has helped me stay clean. I've been working out 5 days a week for about 8 months now. But was involved in sports growing up so always had some exersise.

So I'm working with 3j for the next year and my plan is to get to 175-180 naturally and then go on this bulking cycle. Have everything ready to go just want to put on weight natural first.

I know my weight could be higher before going on but my thought process is this...
1. I've used all drugs in this cycle without any major side effects (acne is my worst)
2. Obviously my diet was not in check which is why I have hired the best to get that straight for me and after putting on a good 10-15 lbs I think it will be obvious that I'm doing my part and have it pretty well down pat.

GOALS - Put me around 200 lbs and get much stronger

Here is the cycle I have on hand

Week 1-4 Test P 100 MG x eod
Week 1-4 DBOL 50 MG x ed

Week 1-14 Deca Durabolin 400 MG x Week
Week 1-16 Test Enthate 600 MG x week

Week 15 - 18 NPP 75 MG x eod
Week 16 -18 Test P 100 MG x eod

Armidex .5 MG eod
Hcg 250 iu x twice a week throughout cycle
caber on hand in case of prolactin sides

Clomid and Nolvadex pct

Will have pre - mid - post blood work

How does this look ?
Looks good man. Good job putting test P in there to help get your test levels up while you wait for the longer test ester to kick in.. Personally, I think you should do that with the NPP as well,, why do you have NPP at the tail end when the nandrolone from the deca is fully there,, put the NPP at the start and help get those nandrolone juices flowing faster
Yeah I agree with that statment....I have it at the end so while the deca is clearing I can still get the effects without prolonging the pct time.

Only reason for it is I'm already over my cycle budget and I would rather have it at the end then the beginning.

But I may go ahead and add it to the beginning and try to get more before the cycle is down the road...we will see

Thanks for the input man
How does budget come into play from moving npp from the end of your cycle to the beginning? Would be better off anyways from pct standpoint.
Yeah I agree with that statment....I have it at the end so while the deca is clearing I can still get the effects without prolonging the pct time.

Only reason for it is I'm already over my cycle budget and I would rather have it at the end then the beginning.

But I may go ahead and add it to the beginning and try to get more before the cycle is down the road...we will see

Thanks for the input man

The deca ester is pretty much the longest ester in the AAS arsenal,, heck a month after your last pin it's still in your system. I don't think adding more nandrolone for a few weeks after your last pin of deca will even go noticed, because by week 14 your definitely feeling all that deca has to offer..
If you start with the NPP at the front of the cycle you'll be feeling that feeling sooner rather then later IMO.
Alright I'll move it to the front. I'm excited to use it. With the prop npp and dbol I should feel pretty good in no time after starting.