Test E Deca cycle need some advice.


New member
Hey guys I'm new to this board and was hoping to get some feed back from other people that might know a bit more than I do, So I have ran Test cycles for years at about 500 to 750mg a week but I never add anything to the cycle. Most of the time I run SUS or Test E. But I was wanting to add some Deca to the mix I hear it can help a lot more on putting on the size I'm going for,of corse with the proper nutrition in place first.. But my question is on the dosing and if the two compounds work very well together? I'm thinking 14 week cycle Test E 600mgs wk and Deca 450 to 600mgs wk. stoping use of Deca at week 10 . Starting Clomid 2 weeks after last injection of test. Any help would be awesome and thanks in advance!
Disclaimer- I haven't run Deca and I'm not an expert, but here is what I know.

Stop the Deca at week 12, two weeks before the end of cycle. Consider extending to 16 week cycle or consider NPP. If you extend the cycle stop the Deca at week 14. Doses sound fine go with 600 Deca.
You should read up more on deca. Some questions you ask are very simple ones. Everything goes good with test if your a male. Has to because test needs to be the base for each cycle. 10 weeks of deca as said is just too short of a run. Either extend it to 14+ weeks or switch to npp. Deca is a long ester and doesn't really kick in till week 8 or so. You want to run test atleast 2 weeks longer then deca so that deca has cleared the blood stream before starting pct. You will most likely have to adjust your ai dose because deca aromatizes. Would be a good idea to have caber or prami on hand...