Test E, EQ, Tbol, Anavar cycle


numero uno
Hey guys, havent been on here for a long time but decided to blog my cycle. I'm going to be starting Monday, June 4th. My cycle will consist of the following:

week 1-4, tbol 40mg ED
week 1- 20 test E, 750mg
week 1-19 Eq 600mg
week 12-21 anavar 60mg
.5 EOD adex throught entire cycle


Clomid 100/50/50/50
novedex 40/40/20/20
aromasin 25/25/25/25

i am currently weigh 185 pounds. not too sure on my bf% but its low. if i had to guess id say about 8 to 10% bf. this will be my 3rd cycle within the past 3 years. my last cycle was amazing, I did test c, eq, and winnies. i had slow but steady gains and got veins all over me. the pumps were fantastic and i had no side effects to note. ive been off for about 6 months now.. I eneded up losing about 8 pounds but i think that was mostly water from the test. I kept alot of strength and muscle. it completly changed my body. Thats why i decided to do this cycle again. although i changed labs this time around from liquatech to teragon. Been hearing alot of great things so im gonna give it a try. i will update every week!
That is a lengthy cycle! I don't think using Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout entire post cycle therapy (pct) is the best idea, but I've heard guys on both sides on the fence. You could end up driving estrogen too low. I'm no expert, but I think it is a fair question to research. Good luck and get big!
thanks buddy! my last cycle was 16 weeks, i just really wanna get the full effect of eq so i extended it a couple of weeks aha. forgot to mention i will be starting adex week 3 and on. Hoping to get to atleast 200, will keep posted
Good lookin' out, Zeus. EQ delivers some slow but steady gains, and it you have a better than average chance of keeping EQ gains with a good post cycle therapy (pct). Be sure to give it a few weeks between administering last EQ pin and starting your post cycle therapy (pct). It will linger in your system for quite some time. You know what they say: Work like a horse, eat like a horse and take shit meant for a horse, and you'll get as big as a horse. Keep us up to date!
ahahaha never heard that before, but ill keep that in mind! gonna wait 3 weeks after last pin of eq and 2 weeks after last pin of test. run the test a week longer after the eq. and im 21, 5'8.. short and stocky lol
Anavar (var) for 9 weeks at 60 afetr tbol for 4. I love both but I would forget the Anavar (var) and drop your calorie intake and raise your cardio towards the end if you can handle the EQ hunger.