Test E npp cycle week 10 week


New member
Hello I am on week 5 of my 12week test e 500 mg per week cycle. I frontloaded my test e with 1000 mg for the first week. I am also running npp at 100mg every 3 days for 4 weeks starting at week 5. I can even extend that too 6 weeks of npp. I am using nolva as my pct. I started my cycle at 179lbs at roughly 15 percent body fat at around 5 feet 8 inches. In the first 3 weeks I gained about 13lbs. Where as in the past 2 weeks I have been roughly around the same weight. I am taking around 4500-5000 calories mostly clean everyday. Am sitting at 194 at around 17 percent body fat now. So should I bump my calories or should I increase my test dosage. I still have about 7 weeks left and I want try to hit around 210-215 lbs keeping body fat less than 20. Is this goal achievable ? Also I am listing my diet cos I feel like my diet is on point. Am still learning so could be totally wrong.
7.00am 5 whole eggs , 2 bread slices, 2 glasses of milk with 2 bananas, 1 scoop whey protein
10.00am 150 gram ground beef(uncooked weight) , 200 grams rice(uncooked weight) , 250 grams potato ( uncooked weight)
1.00pm 150 gram ground beef(uncooked weight) , 200 grams rice(uncooked weight) , 250 grams potato ( uncooked weight)
4.00pm(postwo) 5 eggs, 250 grams potato ( uncooked weight)
6.30m 150 gram ground beef(uncooked weight) , 200 grams rice(uncooked weight)
9.00pm 100 gram green lentils(complex carbs and high protein)
Any input will be highly appreciated
30lbs is alot to expect to gain in one cycle. Especially if its your 4th or 5th cycle and above. How many cycles have you ran before? You have already moved forward so there is no use telling you but I will anyway that your a little to young to be manipulating your endocrine system.
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Well its actually my 2nd cycle. I did my first cycle a couple of months back. gained a lot but I didn't do any research at all and lost everything I gained cos I didn't even care about doing a pct.
Also a "couple months back " ? C'mon bro time on = time off. You need to give your system time to reboot. You ran a cycle couple months ago and your already 5 weeks in on another one. Don't mean to sound like a dickhead but do some more research before you hurt yourself permanently. There is so much info here for you to learn.
Well couple of months back is I meant I did it last January. Bloated up on dbol. Been reading since then. Wouldn't say that I know enough but am still learning as much as I can. I got a couple of big guys in my gym including Wrath so I keep on asking stuff just trying increase my knowledge.
Also just a FYI keep your posts a little shorter and easier to read you will get more responses like that. Your diet sounds good your looking for too much gain. 20lbs for your first is a great gain. 30lbs is a little far fetched especially if your only going 600 cal's. over maintenance.
But now as I am already 5 weeks in, what would be the best way to break through this temporary plateau
keep the npp for another cycle . Npp is the quick acting deca but it still is gonna need time to work you are halfway through your cycle. Personally I would use dianabol at 50mg Ed for last 6 weeks as a finisher. It will work immediately and as you ran it in your first cycle you see the gains that happen. Increase your ai if your getting too much bloat BUT DO NOT DO THIS TILL YOU ARE SURE WHERE YOUR E2 LEVELS ARE WITH A BLOOD TEST.
yea I know about that. but then again I saw many logs where people were taking like 250mg per week with test p having good results. So if its pointless should I drop it?
Also my source carries superdrol. Should I take it over dbol? cos I have heard its just like dbol with less bloat so will I be able to keep more after pct
Last time I used it at 20 mg per day should I keep at the same dose cos I have test in the mix as well?
also can I extend dbol 2 weeks after my last test pin before starting my nolva